Diagonal jury and first prizes announced 2020


La Diagonale is pleased to be able to assign also in 2020 the most important Austrian film awards, in particular the Diagonal Grand Prix of Styria for the Best Feature Film and the Best Film Documentary of the festival, as well as the Diagonal Innovative Cinema Award of the city of Graz and all departmental awards, donated by VdFS – Collecting society of filmmakers. The Austrian Film Festival is pleased to entrust the Diagonale to the international juries 2020 the task of reviewing the competition program of the canceled edition. All Awards Diagonal 2020 will be announced in June 2020. The Diagonal Award for Best Documentary Short of the Diocese of Graz-Seckau has already been announced. Awards for best screenplays and best treatments are also already known. All the award winners can be found below.

Diagonal Award Jury 2020

Year after year, La Diagonale rewards a wide range of creative achievements related to the production of a film and assigns the most important Austrian film awards. Con Ruth Beckermann (director, AT), Greg of Cuir Jr. (curator, author, US/RS), Inge de Leeuw (programmer of the International Film Festival Rotterdam, NL), Matthias Dell (movie critic, FROM), Serafin Spitzer (cameraman, AT), Fabienne Moris (coordinator of the FIDMarseille program, director of FIDLab, FR), Peter Taylor (director of the Berwick Film festival & Media Arts Festival, GB), Eva Könnemann (director, FROM) a Sasha Pirker (director, AT) has once again managed to win over internationally renowned experts for the Diagonale Jury 2020.

Press Diagonal 2020, Franz Grabner Prize and a first winning film

“The current situation is a crisis, not an opportunity”. Against the background of this statement, that Peter Schernhuber and Sebastian Höglinger recently did in a radio service for Bayrischen Rundfunk, La Diagonale is particularly pleased to be able to honor the exceptional results achieved by local directors this year as well, despite the festival being canceled. The Diagonal Awards 2020, including the Diagonal Grand Prix of Styria, the Diagonal Innovative Cinema Award of the City of Graz and all departmental awards in collaboration with the VdFS – Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden and the VAM Award for Outstanding Film Production – Collecting Society for Audiovisual Media saranno annunciati a giugno. An awards ceremony will take place, if possible, in autumn. The Franz Grabner Prize will also be awarded separately and at a later date. More information will follow.

The Graz-Seckau Diocese Award for Best Documentary Short has already been awarded. The prize, consisting of 4.000 euro, it was donated by the diocese of Graz-Seckau / KULTUM – Cultural center for minorities e va a How to disappear di Total Refusal (Robin Klengel, Leonhard Müllner, Michael Stumpf). The jury for the Best Documentary Short of the Diagonale 2020 it was composed by Johannes Gierlinger (director, AT), Manfred Koch (until the 2002 head of Medienzentrale Bamberg, photographer, FROM) e Antoinette Zwirchmayr (director, video artist, AT).

The best scripts

I premi Carl Mayer e Thomas Pluch Best Screenplay should have been assigned on Friday 27 marzo all’Hotel Wiesler, at Salon spring, in a ceremony in collaboration with the cultural department of the city of Graz e the scriptVERBAND Austria. After deletion dshe Diagonal 2020 the cause dhe Covid-19, the winners were announced with a previous one press release.

The Carl-Mayer Prize of the city of Graz went to the treatment of The proclamation di Josef Kleindienst. Jan Prazak received the consolation prize for Flat Mates. The Thomas Pluch Award for Best Screenplay went to Once upon a time revolutionaries by Johanna Moder, the Thomas Pluch Jury Prize was awarded to Sandra Wollner for The Trouble with Being Born. The Thomas Pluch Award for Best Short or Medium-length Film was awarded to Stefan Langthaler for Fabiu.

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