“Wonder, Uccello Bianco” spin-off e sequel del film “ Wonder” “Wonder, Uccello Bianco” or #WonderWhiteBird is a film by 2023 directed by Marc Foster, screenplay by Mark Bombback, based on the graphic novel of the same name R. J. Palacio , with : Bryce Gheisar, Helen Mirren, Gillian Anderson, Jacob Tremblay, Orlando Schwerdt, Ariella Glaser, Olivia Ross, John Bubniak, Stuart McQuarrie, Nadine Leon Gobet, Philip Lenkowsky, Jim High, Jem Matthews, Isaiah Golan, Yelisey Kazakevich, Jordan Cramond. Synopsis: After the events of Wonder, the bully Julian has been expelled from school and is trying to fit in at the new institute.