SPECIAL # VENEZIA75 #5 – 29 August / September 8 2018 (DAYS 2&3): directors Awards Oscar Alfonso Cuarón, Ethan Coen and Joel Coen contend for the podium

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marino fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Venice Biennale) After the inauguration on the red carpet at the Oscars directors Alfonso Cuarón, Ethan Coen and Joel Coen tackle universal themes but DOUBLES VIES Olivier Assayas' There seems to be more relevant because it reflects on society of the new media that shook up the balance of the last century. After the test is not entirely convincing of Damien Chazelle films in Competition VENICE 75, waiting for the weekend Italian, It has the sodisfatto

SPECIAL # VENEZIA75 #4 – 29 August / September 8 2018 (DAY 2): reviews Marina fearful – La Favorita di Yorgos Lanthimos

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marino fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Venice Biennale) A timeless story about the power, sul denaro e sul sesso chiude la seconda giornata tra l’entusiasmo del pubblico La storia qui messa in scena è quella di due cugine: Sarah Churchill - for years trusted the queen chaperone Anne - and Abigail Masham, fall into poverty because of the dissolute life of his father, but determined to undertake a rapid social climbing and

SPECIAL # VENEZIA75 #3 – 29 August / September 8 2018 (DAY 2): reviews Marina fearful – First Man di Damien Chazelle

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marino fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Venice Biennale) Damien Chazelle e Ryan Gosling inaugurano la Mostra con un film ordinario La storia qui messa in scena è quella dell'astronauta Neil Armstrong, man marked by a serious family bereavement (The daughter died prematurely), but that, despite everything, He was able to realize a dream and be the first man to land on the Moon. interesting concept, therefore, this chosen by Chazelle, who, fresh from the worldwide success of his The

SPECIAL # VENEZIA75 #2 – 29 August / September 8 2018 (DAY 1)

We try again the duo Damien Chazelle and Ryan Gosling to inaugurate the exhibition unfortunately an ordinary film (Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marino fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Venice Biennale) Inaugurazione deludente di questa edizione che però ci riserva tante sorprese Anche quest’anno non sono mancate le polemiche attorno alla Mostra di Venezia che insieme al Festival di Cannes e Berlino interpretano gli umori, the new directions of the film and why not where it directs global policy. One for all the controversy

Special 74th International Film Festival - reviews #2

Presented in competition at the 74th edition of the Venice Film Festival in Venice, First Reformed is the latest feature film directed by acclaimed director Paul Schrader. Father Toller is a former military chaplain, and pastor of a small church in the province, tormented by guilt over the death of his son, after he forced to enlist, ma, at the same time, with the difficult task of helping a young married couple expecting their first child to regain confidence towards life. Alcuni dei leit motiv di tutta la filmografia del regista
