L’ Italian A Ciambra excluded from the list of three candidates for the LUX PRIZE

During the presentation of the Venice Days press conference, President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, It announced the three films competing for the LUX Prize 2017 that are: 120 beats per minute - BPM (Beats Per Minute) Robin Campillo, Francia Sameblod - Sámi Blood di Amanda Kernell, Sweden, Norway, Danimarca Western di Valeska Grisebach, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria La coordinatrice della Commissione cultura e istruzione del Parlamento Europeo, Silvia Costa, Instead he greeted the audience with a video message. Il LUX Film Prize, now in its eleventh edition, It is nine

Special # CANNES70 - (DAYS 2&3) - Thursday 18 It's Friday 19

Il russo ZVYAGINTSEV e l’ungherese MUNDRUCZÓ convincono la Croisette da Cannes Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione del Festival de Cannes Dopo la delusione del film d’apertura, the first two days on the Croisette you can breathe another air. Indeed, both from America to Asia two productions that they will agree is the general public that criticism. Stiamo parlando da una parte del regista americano Todd HAYNES che presenta WONDERSTRUCK. Transposing the big screen after The Invention Of Hugo Cabret of another book written by Selznick. They are two stories, a set in
