#ROMAFF18 – 18- 28/10/2023 SPECIAL #5: (DAY 3) I TOLD YOU SO by Ginevra Elkan – VALENTINA's review

At the second directorial test Ginevra Elkan presents us with illustrations depicting the Christmas angels that open this comic story, dramatic, blasphemous, per tanti versi ma anche molto sincero tutto al femminile Vediamo un atto sessuale, take place under the sacred icons, scattered throughout Gianna's apartment (an impeccable Valeria Bruni Tedeschi), religious fanatic. This carnal encounter is followed by a reckless frenzy: Gianna's daughter suffers from an eating disorder, il binge eating disorder, which leads her to ingest food straight from the fridge. The mother-daughter relationship that directs her, Geneva Elkan, puts

In cinemas directly from #CANNES75 Les Amamdiers by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi


Dreams and dramas of young actors in the early 1980s - Les Amandiers - Marina's review (Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) Second feature film by actress Valeria Bruni Tedeschi as director, Les Amandiers - world premiere, in competition, at the 75th edition of the Cannes Film Festival - it turned out to be a pleasant surprise within the famous film event. Extremely intimate and personal, the film stages Stella's story (an extraordinary Nadia Tereszkiewicz), a twenty year old girl, that, in the early eighties, together

SPECIAL # CANNES75 - 17/28 May 2022 #13(DAY 6)

Valeria Bruni Tedeschi racconta i suoi primi passi nel Cinema (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) Un thriller come solo la cinematografia iraniana sa confezionare ci lascia Concorso Ufficiale HOLY SPIDER Ali ABBASI Un thriller poliziesco che mostra fino a che punto può essere distorta la moralità fondamentalista Un'ondata di omicidi nella città santa di Mashhad è al centro del film di Ali Abbasi. Ambientato nella città santa di Mashhad in Iran – la produzione è stata girata invece in Giordania – il

SPECIAL # CANNES75 - 17/28 May 2022 #12 (DAY 6):Marina Pavido's critical raids on the Croisette


(from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) Very applauded Valeria Bruni Tedeschi enters the main selection talking about herself and her first steps on the set, mentre nella selezione Un Certain Regard storie intime diverse per genere e stile Sogni e drammi di giovani attori agli inizi degli anni Ottanta – Les Amandiers di Valeria Bruni Tedeschi Secondo lungometraggio da regista dell’attrice Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Les Amandiers - world premiere, in competition, at the 75th edition of the Cannes Film Festival – yes

57° Festival dei Popoli in Florence from 25/11 al 2/12 (DAY -2)

First International Festival of Documentaries - pre-opening today 23/11 con l'Omaggio a Vittorio De Seta Siamo a pochi giorni dall’edizione numero 57, to be held in Florence from 25 November to 2 December, the Festival renews than previous. From the new main hall of the festival - The company, movie house in Tuscany - the selection of films in competition (International and Italian); the thematic focus (one dedicated to the theme of refugees, the other to music documentaries) filmmakers who are dedicated the two retrospectives: The French-Lebanese Danielle Arbid

57° Festival dei Popoli in Florence from 25 /11 al 2/12 (DAY-2)

First International Festival of Documentaries - Pre-opening today with the Tribute to Vittorio De SetaSiamo a few days from the edition number 57, to be held in Florence from 25 November to 2 December, the Festival renews than previous. From the new main hall of the festival - The company, movie house in Tuscany - the selection of films in competition (International and Italian); the thematic focus (one dedicated to the theme of refugees, the other to music documentaries) filmmakers who are dedicated the two retrospectives: The French-Lebanese Danielle Arbid
