Umbria Film Festival 2020 – 24but ed. – 5/9 August 2020 Montone (PG)

Among the films presented at the Umbria Film Festival chaired by Terry Gilliam, "Master Cheng", the latest feature film by Mika Kaurismaki, 'Bacurau' by Kleber Mendonca Filho and Juliano Dornelles, Jury Prize in Cannes and the Franco-Algerian "Don't know Papicha", esordio di Mounia Meddour Tra le altre iniziative i corti per bambini e il progetto Drawings 2020 by Lone Scherfig, the seminar on migrants, ma anche il Premio al Miglior Casting Italiano e i Corsi di Sceneggiatura e di Fotografia documentaria Dal 5 al 9 August if you have Montone (Perugia), the Umbria Film Festival,

UMBRIA FILM FESTIVAL 9 al 14 July the 23rd edition in Montone (PG)

Guests included Michel Ocelot, Terry Gilliam, Emiliano Corapi, honorary citizenship to the director Lone Scherfig, previews and special events. from 9 July , in the main square of Montone (PG), It will be the twenty-third edition of Umbria Film Festival with preview screenings of feature films, a short film competition, with a jury of children, but also special events, conferences, a photo exhibition and meetings of directors with the public. Festival Guest, The writer-director Lone Scherfig (Their Finest; Italian for Beginners; An Education - Audience Award at Sundance), will receive, Thursday 11 July at 12:00 at the Hall


It was held in Montone (Perugia) from 4 July 8 2018 the twenty-second edition of Umbria Film Festival, organized by the Umbria Film Festival, directed by Chiara Montagnini and under the artistic direction of Vanessa Strizzi, the organizational direction of Marisa Berne, the honorary presidency of Terry Gilliam and the contribution of the LAG Alta Umbria. The village of Montone was the focus of the projections that have animated Piazza Fortebraccio: from preview screenings of feature films, to children's short films and those made by Umbrian videomaker, for the section of the competition Umbriametraggi, the round table on migrant. Among the guests of the festival, American director Terry
