The return of #Casanova by Gabriele Salvatores

The Oscar-winning director faces an autobiographical portrait of himself (as the interviewee confessed) and speaks on the one hand about the efforts of a famous director who falls into depression from the passage of time in black and white. If we think about it, at the basis of cinema there is precisely this unavoidable parameter for human beings with i 24 frames per second that have been animating the frames of motion picture film since its inception! On the other hand, it speaks of the decadence of another great figure in the collective imagination told in colour: Casanova by borrowing and freely drawing inspiration

Film Critics from SNCCI: #QUIRIDOIO by Mario Martone

#QUIRIDOIO by Mario Martone presented at the 78th INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHIC ART EXHIBITION distributed by 01 Distribution –Rai Cinema Spa, (release in theaters 9 September), Francesco Pasinetti Award for the best male interpretation: Toni Servillo, as well as the Mimmo Rotella Foundation Award assigned by the Magna Graecia Cultural Association to MARIO MARTONE and TONI SERVILLO for the film Qui rido io, has been designated Critics Film by the National Union of Italian Film Critics - SNCCI with the following Motivation: With “Qui rido io” Martone intensely explores the theme of denied paternity, fictionalizing the figure with historical attention

World Premiere of The Jungle Book at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome

Official opening of the first cinema at the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli in Rome as a therapy for relief of hospitalized people. After two years since the launch of the project developed with the support of Medicinema -Italy Onlus, It came the great day that all the parties that cooperated expected (Policlinico Gemelli, Medicinema - Italy, Walt Disney Company Italy). The synergetic effort of all is well rewarded by this milestone, starting with the director Giuseppe Tornatore who has lent his work for a commercial spot with music by Claudio Baglioni. Already

The dark side of Tony Servillo in the exhibition at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome , with his brother Beppe.

Di ritorno da una applauditissima esibizione dell'attore italiano che più stimo Tony Servillo, insieme all'altrettanto esuberante fratello Beppe, cantante di professione, mi sono ritrovato davanti ad un dubbio esistenziale. L'accompagnamento dei due artisti a cura di tre violoncelli ed una viola è stata impeccabile. Stand ovation e accompagnamento del pubblico all'intonazione di "dove sta ZA ZA, o Madonna mia,  . . .". Però ad un tratto mi sono sentito immerso in una serie di battute di Tony Servillo che interpretava un uomo disperato che non riesce ad accettarsi. Mi chiedo
