#TERTIOMILLENNIO restarts digitally

from 23 February to 2 March the XXIV edition of the TMFF, the festival of intercultural and interreligious dialogue organized by the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo will take place for the first time in an exclusively digital form on MYmovies.it. Based on a quote from the poet Friedrich Hölderlin, the historic festival of the Foundation - born in 1997 at the behest of Pope John Paul II - proposes a reading of current events starting from "what saves", seeking in contemporary filmography not the lament of the present but ideas for recovery, of salvation, for individuals and communities. «A title that

22 of the third millennium film fest: The days of the uprising. War, revolution and redemption – Roma, 11/15 – December

Tuesday 11 December at the Trevi Cinema Zan Shinya Tsukamoto has officially opened the XXII edition of the Festival, Lysis while Rick Ostermann was the first film in competition. Tra gli eventi speciali La cotta di Ermanno Olmi e in Filmoteca Vaticana Il fattore umano di Giacomo Gatti Zan di Shinya Tsukamoto è il film che ha inaugurato la XXII edizione del Tertio Millennio Film Fest (11-15 December), the interreligious dialogue festival organized by Fondazione Ente dello Entertainment and sponsored by the Department for Communications of the Holy See,
