Presented at the Cannes Film Festival, a biting film about Egypt arrives on our screens. Egypt. In a fishing family, the father teaches the three sons the trade to pass it on as an overbearing fisherman who regularly beats all three of his sons. One of the three teenagers, however, after school is chosen to go to Cairo to study at the university school of Islam, the counterpart of the Italian universities of theology, where, however, unlike in Catholic countries, the future Egyptian ruling class is formed, strongly conditioned by the Islamic religion through the Imams.

SPECIAL # CANNES75 - 17/28 May 2022 #09 (DAY 4)

The spasmodic wait of Maestro Skolimowski (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) The occult powers of Egypt (Boy from Heaven) and Princess Sissi (Corsage) visti da punti di vista non ordinari sono le nuove scoperte di Cannes che ammaliano l’audience festivaliera BROTHER AND SISTER di – Deludente questo pseudo dramma familiare che vede coinvolti Alice e Louis, brother and sister. She actress; but a long time ago also teacher and poet. For more than 20 years, Alice hated her brother.
