#IORESTOACASA, #STAYHOME – The reactions of the World Cinema in Europe

The various options because the seventh art is suitable for the pandemic that wraps around the World. There are now many Festivals that are converting online to avoid cancellation as we have noted in previous articles. And here comes the news that the Festival of Nyon Visions du réel in Switzerland to its organizers reinvent the 51st edition of transferring it entirely online digital platform and increasing the duration of the 17 April to 2 May and on top of that by offering the ability to view the selected films for free. The digital format will allow

#STAYHOME – Communication of the Cannes Film Festival

The following is the text published on the website of the Cannes Film Festival that answers the most frequently asked questions that are received by the Offices of the Organization. It shows a great effort to move forward, but also the conviction that first of all you have to be next to those who now suffer because of #CORONAVIRUS. A good omen for the oldest Festival together with the Venice International Film Festival of Venice. What is the hope for a synergy between the two Festival in front of the pandemic that has engulfed the whole world. Meanwhile, the 77. International Art Exhibition
