The winners of the ninth edition of SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival

It ended Sunday night in San Vito Lo Capo SiciliAmbiente the ninth edition of the International Documentary Film Festival, the direct manifestation by director Antonio Bellia who proposed over 60 competition entries devoted to human rights and environmental issues. Best documentary feature films section is Mundiya Kepanga, The voice of the forest di Marc Dozier e Luc Marescot (France, 2017). The portrait of a tribal chief Huli Papua New Guinea, a voice of the forest that poetically warns us about the danger of deforestation. The jury, composed

SiciliAmbiente ninth edition of the International Documentary Film Festival

Circa 60 film, 4 competitive sections, a section realized in cooperation with the movement of the Citizen Defense aimed at young, Amnesty International the night on migrants and on the proposed changes by Arci, special events, workshops and meetings on issues dear to the thought along with Harp Festival Sicily, book presentations and much more are the numbers of this ninth edition of SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival. The jury that will award the prize Lighthouse and a bag of 1.000 euro, both sponsored by ARPA Sicily and Laboratory INFEA the BEST DOCUMENTARY SECTION
