Film Critics from SNCCI: "TONY DRIVER" by Ascanio Petrini

"TONY DRIVER" by Ascanio Petrini presented at the 34th SIC in Venice 2019 has been designated Critics Film by the National Union of Italian Film Critics - SNCCI with the following Motivation:. In telling the paradoxical story of Pasquale Donatone, said Tony, born in Bari, raised in the US and "repatriated" to Italy (now a foreign land) for an illegal "passeur" activity on the Mexican border, Ascanio Petrini breaks down the concept of frontier in both geographical terms, than political and linguistic. Film about the absurdity of walls and ban, "Tony Driver" reinvents space according to new and

SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #15 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAY 11) THE PRICES

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of ASAC Biennale) JOKER METTE D’ACCORDO TUTTI, A MARESCO VA IL PREMIO SPECIALE PREMI UFFICIALI - 76. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica CONCORSO - VENEZIA 76 The Venice Jury 76, presieduta da Lucrecia Martel e composta da Stacy Martin, Mary Harron, Piers Handling, Rodrigo Prieto, Shinya Tsukamoto, Paolo Virzì, You are having viewed all 21 films in competition, has decided to award the following prizes: LEONE D’ORO per il miglior film a JOKER di

SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #7 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAYS 4-7)

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Le foto sono pubblicate per gentile concessione della Biennale ASAC) LE SEZIONI AUTONOME REGALANO DUE FILM STREPITOSI: YOU WILL DIE AT 20 di Amjad Abu Alala e ALL THIS VICTOR di Ahmad Ghossein Già abbiamo avuto modo di segnalare per #VE76 CONCORSO, grazie a Marina Pavido, Seberg di Benedict Andrews, che è incentrato sulla figura di Jean Seberg, historical icon of the Nouvelle Vague. Il film si concentra principalmente su uno dei periodi più bui della vita dell’attrice, ossia quando la

SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #2 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAY -10) The novelty of the Cririca Week and the days of the authors by Annamaria Stramondo

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of ASAC Biennale) Sempre più autonome le Sezioni a latere della Mostra di Venezia Sono stati presentati alla stampa, in the month of July, the programs of the International Week of Criticism (SIC) and the Venice Days that will take place within the Venice Film Festival, from 28 August 7 September 2019. In competition for the 34 International Critics' Week for both the Audience Award and the
