#VENEZIA79 - 31/8 -10/9/2022 SPECIAL #17: (DAY 10)

(from Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Maria Vittoria Battaglia, Vittorio De Agrò and Anna Maria Stramondo - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) La Mostra da il meglio di se con Susanna Nicchiarelli e Jafar Panahi VENEZIA 79 Concorso CHIARA di SUSANNA NICCHIARELLI con Margherita Mazzucco, Andrea Carpenzano, Carlotta Natoli, Paola Tiziana Cruciani, Luigi Lo Cascio / Italy, Belgium / 106’ SINOSSI Assisi, 1211. Chiara is eighteen years old, and one night he runs away from his father's house to join his friend Francesco. From that moment on, his life changed forever. You don't

Rendez Vous - New French Cinema.

Back in Rome, from 6 April 11th, RendezVous with new French cinema. At its sixth edition, the festival dedicated to the brand new cinemas across the Alps, part from the capital and then touch, with focus and special guests, the city of Bologna, Naples, Palermo, Torino, Milano, Lecce, and this year: Florence and Bergamo. A large and complex project involving artists and Italian and French professionals and that is realized under the direction of Dragoslav Zachariev, responsible for Audiovisual of the French Embassy, and Vanessa Tonnini which artistic director is.
