11° PITIGLIANI KOLNO’A FESTIVAL: Judaism and Israel in Cinema

Back from 19 al 24 November 2016 - free admission to availability - the Casa del Cinema in Rome and the Italian Jewish Center The Pitigliani Via Arco de 'Tolomei, 1 The inauguration, the 19 will be, will be held for the first time at MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts (Via Guido Reni, 4). the Festival, now in its eleventh edition, produced by the Italian Jewish Center The Pitigliani and dedicated to Israeli film and Hebrew topic, It is directed by Ariela Piattelli and Dan Muggia. the unchanged

Thanks Ronit Elkabetz! Tribute to an actress with an edge

A few days ago he passed away prematurely known actress and Israeli director of Moroccan origin, poised between domestic and French cinema film Ronit Elkabetz. We want to remember it for what life has given us her: the cinema. In his short career he has won three Ophir Awards and received seven nominations to the prize. His Moroccan family was Jewish. The Moroccan immigrant parents moved to Israel where he was born Ronit that always was in search of their roots.
