L’ Italian A Ciambra excluded from the list of three candidates for the LUX PRIZE

During the presentation of the Venice Days press conference, President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, It announced the three films competing for the LUX Prize 2017 that are: 120 beats per minute - BPM (Beats Per Minute) Robin Campillo, Francia Sameblod - Sámi Blood di Amanda Kernell, Sweden, Norway, Danimarca Western di Valeska Grisebach, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria La coordinatrice della Commissione cultura e istruzione del Parlamento Europeo, Silvia Costa, Instead he greeted the audience with a video message. Il LUX Film Prize, now in its eleventh edition, It is nine

#CANNES 2017 all the winners and not . . . - part 1 - Official Selection

The recently concluded edition will be remembered because hardly the winners will be remembered. Contrariamente alle previsioni i premiati a parte l’inglese YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE, Sweden's The Square and the Russian Nelyubov (LOVELESS), other authors and interpreters were placed at the end of our Popularity ranking. Especially we were surprised that the "homework" by Sofia Coppola has received the award for best director. But there was also an outside program with a special prize for the 70th anniversary of the Festival went to actress Nicole is Kindam


It is also repeated this year the historical show Le Vie Del Cinema from Cannes to Rome and the Region to be held in the capital and in some municipalities of the Region 14 al 18 June. L'event, inaugurating the edition 2017 The cinema of the project through the great festival, It is promoted by ANEC Lazio and boasts the prestigious partnership with SIAE, in addition to the established collaboration with the Lazio Region and CityFest - Fondazione Cinema per Roma.La manifestazione porta in alcune sale romane e laziali una rinomata selezione di film provenienti direttamente dal


It is also repeated this year the historical show Le Vie Del Cinema from Cannes to Rome and the Region to be held in the capital and in some municipalities of the Region 14 al 18 June. L'event, inaugurating the edition 2017 The cinema of the project through the great festival, It is promoted by ANEC Lazio and boasts the prestigious partnership with SIAE, in addition to the established collaboration with the Lazio Region and CityFest - Fondazione Cinema per Roma. The event brings in some Roman salt and Lazio a popular selection of films coming directly from

Special # CANNES70: – (DAYS 4&5)

But Paolo Sorrentino will appreciate the homage by OSTUND in the film The Square? da Cannes Luigi Noera - Saturday 20 is Sunday 21 May - Foto per gentile concessione del Festival de Cannes Il francese Robin CAMPILLO ha presentato 120 BEATS PER MINUTE, dopo che con Eastern Boys nel 2013 He had been at the Venice, and now she tells the story of Act Up activists. Between the favorite actress cast by the Dardenne brothers: Adèle Haenel. The Frenchman Michel HAZANAVICIUS Director of The Search (2014), Oscar with The Artist (2011) return

Special # CANNES70 (DAY 1) - Wednesday 17 May

The independent America and France to the conquest of Palmares with many returns to the Croisette and Latin America excluding large! da Cannes Luigi Noera (Photo courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) All 19,15 opens at the Grand Théâtre Lumière the 70th edition of the Cannes Film Festival presented this year Italian actress Monica Bellucci. The film chosen for the opening night is LES FANTÔMES Ismael D'Arnaud Desplechin which tells us of a director (starring a surprising Mathieu AMALRIC) He is struggling with his latest film, and the ghosts of the past surrounded by two actresses

Special # CANNES70 (DAY 1) – Wednesday 17 May

The independent America and France to the conquest of Palmares with many returns to the Croisette and Latin America excluding large!da Cannes Luigi Noera(Photo courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) All 19,15 opens at the Grand Théâtre Lumière the 70th edition of the Cannes Film Festival presented this year Italian actress Monica Bellucci. The film chosen for the opening night is LES FANTÔMES Ismael D'Arnaud Desplechin which tells us of a director (starring a surprising Mathieu AMALRIC) alle prese con il suo ultimo film e i fantasmi del passato contornato da due
