(from Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Maria Vittoria Battaglia, Vittorio De Agrò and Anna Maria Stramondo - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Roberto De Paolis opened the “Orizzonti” competition with his second film, demonstrating courage and creativity in telling us with sensitivity, street prostitution grace and lightness: the most painful one, dangerous and difficult to live and bear for anyone! Although prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and artistically much has been said over the decades, written and done on

#VENEZIA79 - 31/8 -10/9/2022 SPECIAL #1: (DAY 1) Post pandemic opening

(from Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Maria Vittoria Battaglia, Vittorio De Agrò and Anna Maria Stramondo - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) L’EDIZIONE POST PANDEMIA STUPISCE CON IL FILM DI APERTURA DI ORIZZONTI Prima di iniziare è doveroso il nostro ringraziamento alle nostre corrispondenti le quali hanno collaborato a questa edizione post pandemia ed in particolare Maria Vittoria Battaglia che segue Venezia dal WEB e Anna Maria Stramondo con le sue intense pillole. Thanks also to Vittorio De Agrò for his fraternal commitment. But come on
