On the RAYPLAY platform 8 titles that suffered the LOCKDOWN produced by RAICINEMA

Per la prima volta su RaiPlay quattro nuovi titoli originariamente destinati alle sale cinematografiche ed altri quattro titoli direttamente sulla piattaforma dopo la visione nei cinema Il 21 May debuts on RaiPlay "Magari", Geneva Elkann's first work, with Riccardo Scamarcio and Alba Rohrwacher, the first of eight Rai Cinema films arriving on the Rai platform. Thanks to Rai Cinema, which has always supported Italian cinema and new talents, e a RaiPlay, which is becoming increasingly popular as an OTT platform also dedicated to cinema, by

speciale Cannes 2016 – the Croisette is preparing to welcome the five continents of filmmakers of today and tomorrow

da Cannes Luigi Noera - Wednesday 11 May (DAY 1) - Photo courtesy of the Festival de Cannes. All 19,00 opens at the Grand Théâtre Lumière presented the 69th edition of this year's Cannes Film Festival actor Laurent Lafitte who agreed to serve as the master of ceremonies for this 69th edition. The actor and comedian will present the awards ceremony and closing on Sunday 22 May. Interpreter A pensionnaire the Comédie-Française in 2012, in 2011, was master of ceremonies for the 25th Nuit des
