I PREMI FINALI DEL MAGNA GRAECIA FILM FESTIVAL CHE SI CHIUDE CON UNA MASTERCLASS IN CUI E’ PROTAGONISTA PUPI AVATI Un film sulla vita di Dante. This project which is working by Pupi Avati 2001: "Few people know, but in Italy it is one of the greatest experts of Dante Alighieri, of his life and his works. The most famous Italian in the world deserves to be told by those who loconosce well, from a fundamental 'Treatise in Praise,'Signed by Giovanni Boccaccio, who wrote after the death of the poet, following

SAVE The DATE: Medicinema Italy and the Polyclinic A. Cuff links with the New Cinema Festival and Mediafriends

Wednesday 12 October preview of the contest dedicated to movies made by disabled people in the room Medicinema the Twins with the awarding of the Short Film 1st place, judged by a special jury of patients, doctors and medical staff dell'ospedale.In at the tenth edition of the "Festival of New Cinema", the International Biennial Competition dedicated to short films starring disabled, Mediafriends, in collaboration with Medicinema Italy Onlus, Wednesday 12 October, at 17.00, in Rome, at the Hall Medicinema the Gemelli University Polyclinic, will take place the premiere of the film festival with awards
