David di Donatello Awards 2020 | Candidature


ACCADEMIA DEL CINEMA ITALIANO PREMI DAVID DI DONATELLO CANDIDATURE FILM 2019 These are the nominations for the David di Donatello Awards 2020 of films released in theaters from 1st January to 31 December 2019, in alphabetical order, voted by 7 January to February 8 2020 by the members of the Academy Jury and officially transmitted by the Marco Papi Notary's Office. He communicated them, in today's meeting with the press, Piera Detassis, President and Artistic Director of the Academy. There are ex-aequo *. MIGLIOR FILM Il primo re prodotto da GRØENLANDIA, with RAI CINEMA, GAPBUSTERS, ROMAN CITIZEN per la regia di Matteo ROVERE Il traditore prodotto da
