#CORONAVIRUS: the NW of Cannes and Venice Festival "Virtual"

Many are anxiously wondering what will become of the longest-running festivals in the world at the time of the #Coronavirus which, in addition to wiping out tens of miles of human lives, millions of jobs, Now after locking the Asian film industry at the beginning of the '20s is about right now that has an impact on European industry, as for some time we report on the situation of the various updates of Cinema Festival which these days are moved, canceled or replaced with virtual editions. For both festivals only one figure is up to

#STAYHOME – Communication of the Cannes Film Festival

The following is the text published on the website of the Cannes Film Festival that answers the most frequently asked questions that are received by the Offices of the Organization. It shows a great effort to move forward, but also the conviction that first of all you have to be next to those who now suffer because of #CORONAVIRUS. A good omen for the oldest Festival together with the Venice International Film Festival of Venice. What is the hope for a synergy between the two Festival in front of the pandemic that has engulfed the whole world. Meanwhile, the 77. International Art Exhibition


In a fast, smart World, at least until a few years ago where it was important to be first, now slowed and stopped by the effects of #CORONAVIRUS many we wonder how to use that time. Certainly not to be bored but rather to reflect on the great issues of Humanity. And here is a red light for wondering: Who we are, where we come, but above all where we go. The #CORONAVIRUS shows us the abyss we are going to meet and therefore the motto "Let's stop and think" seems appropriate. We will try to understand regarding the branch of the

Special 73rd International Venice Film Festival – BEST FILM

Juries in balance (precarious?). The best films in collaterali.Foto autonomous sections courtesy of The Biennale.Quest'anno the many personalities invited to be part of the Jury of the various sections of Venice, they are expressed on the evening of the awards ceremony with poise even if precarious. It seems appropriate to recall the members and thank them for the good work put in the ten days of the Show!The Jury Venice 73, in addition to the president, director Sam Mendes, He included the artist, singer, American director and writer Laurie Anderson, British actress Gemma Arterton, the magistrate, writer, playwright

Special 73rd International Film Festival - Saturday 10 September (DAY 11):

Sam Mendes and the jury in balance (almost) with great films in the official selection of the Venice Lido Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of Biennale.Si was held recently the AWARD CEREMONY which is followed by the film OUT OF COMPETITION CLOSING American Antoine Fuqua The Magnificent Seven is a remake the famous film the magnificent seven westerns for excellence 1960, directed by John Sturges and starred, among others, when Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson e James Coburn. With these premises

Special 73rd International Film Festival - Saturday 10 September

Premi collaterali agli italianidal Lido di Venezia Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione della Biennale. Sono ore spasmodiche per l’attesa del Leone d’Oro, intanto sono stati già assegnati i Premi Collaterali della 73. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica tra i quali i seguenti.Premio Arca CinemaGiovaniMiglior film italiano: Orecchie di Alessandro AronadioMiglior film in concorso: Arrival di Denis VilleneuvePremio del Pubblico BNL a Pamilya ordinaryo di Eduardo Roy Jr.Premio del Pubblico - Circolo del Cinema di Verona – 31. Settimana internazionale della critica a Los nadie (The Nobodies) di Juan Sebastián MesaPremi

Special 73rd International Cinematographic Art Exhibition - Friday 9 September (DAY 10)

In attesa del Leone d’Oro la Mostra si conclude con la maratona di Lav Diaz ed il fantasioso Kusturica dal Lido di Venezia Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione della Biennale.Le ultime due pellicole in concorso a VENEZIA 73, la prima Ang Babaeng Humayo (The Woman Who Left) di Lav Diaz “L’esistenza è fragile” dice Lav Diaz, “Alla fine di una giornata, At bottom, noi non sappiamo nulla”. A simple story, ma allo stesso tempo complessa; un’opera sull’esistenza umana, che si chiede “dov’è la logica in tutto questo?” Ci auguriamo che

Speciale 73esima Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica – mercoledì 7 and Thursday 8 September (DAYS 8&9)

Alla ricerca del Leone d’Oro che però non parla italianodal Lido di Venezia Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione della Biennale.Al settimo giorno la Mostra è ancora alla ricerca dell’ousider per il Leone d’Oro, ma anche mercoledì una delusione è stata offerta dal maestro Terrence Malick, che a VENEZIA 73 ha presentato la sua fatica durata tanti anni Voyage of Time: Life’s Journey. Purtroppo il maestro non lo riconosciamo più. Bisogna dire al vero che il film è la copia buona dell’altro documentario italiano Spira Mirabilis passato ieri sempre

Special 73rd International Film Festival - Monday 5 September and Tuesday 6 September (DAY 6&7)

At the halfway point the second of the Italians Piuma snatches applause and Francesco Munzi out of competition tackles a difficult issue but the lion's share is played by Asian cinema from the Lido of Venice Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of the Biennale. Monday for VENICE 73 The Mexican film La región salvaje by Amat Escalante of dubious aesthetic value was presented which tackles a thorny theme of the Mexican province with the use of phallic visions. The aim of wanting to bare a society that does not accept gays though

Speciale 73esima Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica – giovedì 8 September (DAY9)

A due giorni dal termine Vi proponiamo la classifica più probabile dei film a cui abbiamo assistito che purtroppo esclude gli italiani dal podio . . . con PARADAISE che sbaraglia la Mostra dal Lido di Venezia Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione della Biennale. VENEZIA 73 1.      Paradise di Andrei Konchalovsky - Russia, Germany, 130’ 2. El ciudadano ilustre di Mariano Cohn, Gastón Duprat - Argentina, Spain, 118’ 3. Frantz di François Ozon - France, Germany, 113’ 4. Nocturnal Animals di Tom Ford - Usa, 116’ 5. The Bad Batchdi Ana