international exhibition-the-new-film-pesaro

56a MOSTRA INTERNAZIONALE DEL NUOVO CINEMA Pesaro 22 – 29 August 2020 Experimental Theater - Cinema in Piazza del Popolo Cinema in spiaggia - Palazzo Gradari La Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, in addition to putting online about 40 past editions films for the #iorestoacasa initiative, has constantly followed the health emergency situation to evaluate how to carry out its 56th edition safely. Now, with the latest decree of the President of the Council of Ministers which allows the reopening of cinemas, it is possible for the festival to organize the new edition, che si terrà a

54But edition Pesaro Nuovo Cinema Competition - Prize Lino Micciche

An ambitious project of the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF NEW FILM, FROM PESARO 16 AL 23 JUNE 2018, ALLA RICERCA DEL CINEMA A 360° Al riguardo Vi proponiamo l’introduzione di Pedro Armocida Che cos’è il (new) cinema (today)? A film shown directly in the future of cinema -􀀀 ★ Johann LURF Competition in Pesaro Nuovo Cinema - and reprojected films in our future - the flamboyant Les idoles that brought Marc'O 50 years ago exactly the Show and now riaccompagna, in a gesture that is not only physical but load

Nelle Sale Ogres di LÉA FEHNER – review of Marina fearful

In Italian cinemas from 26 January, Les ogres is the latest feature film by French director Léa Fehner, winner, with this work Prize Lino Micciche and the Audience Award at the latest edition of the Festival of New Cinema in Pesaro. On the screen are told the loving and working events of the traveling theater company davai Théatre. Family problems, amorous ties, un'imminente nascita ed il ritorno, sudden, di una vecchia amante stravolgeranno la routine dei teatranti rompendo quella sorta di equilibrio venutosi a creare e facendo riemergere vecchi rancori e ferite

Nelle Sale Ogres di LÉA FEHNER

In Italian cinemas from 26 January, Les ogres is the latest feature film by French director Léa Fehner, winner, with this work Prize Lino Micciche and the Audience Award at the latest edition of the Festival of New Cinema in Pesaro. On the screen are told the loving and working events of the traveling theater company davai Théatre. Family problems, amorous ties, un'imminente nascita ed il ritorno, sudden, di una vecchia amante stravolgeranno la routine dei teatranti rompendo quella sorta di equilibrio venutosi a creare e facendo riemergere vecchi rancori e ferite evidentemente mai
