Aqua Film Festival fourth edition 11- 13 April 2019

Back in Rome, the fourth edition of Aqua Film Festival, the first international film festival with short films, meetings and workshops, Special events dedicated to the theme of water in all its forms. Conceived and directed by Eleonora Vallone, actress, journalist and expert on methods of water, The festival aims to - Since its first edition - enhancing water is not only an artistic and linked to its beauty, but also urge the directors, as it proposes a new section of the festival, to denounce the disasters associated with little attention to the world of water, problems related to hydrogeological instability and pollution

Antonio Monda at the Gemelli Polyclinic talk about fake news

Antonio Monda with patients, medici e studenti su verità e fake news Al Gemelli la conversazione di Antonio Monda con pazienti, doctors and students of truth and fake news. The room Medicinema at the IRCCS Policlinico Gemelli University will host Thursday 21 March, at 16.00, Antonio Monda, writer and lecturer in film at New York University, artistic director of the Rome Film Festival, for a conversation with patients, medici, health professionals and students of truth and fake news. Participation of Antonio Monda is not accidental because the ratio of

#ROMAFF12 (DAY – 3) The party arrives at the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic

The Film Festival in Rome to the Twins in the room Medicinema. Per pazienti e familiari si proiettano “Terapia di coppia” e “Mazinger Z Infinity” Per la prima volta la rassegna cinematografica della Capitale approda al Policlinico con due film del programma ufficiale proiettati il 31 October and 3 November for the adult and pediatric patients. The hospital opens more and more to the territory. The Medicinema movie theater at the University Hospital A. Gemelli apre per la prima volta le porte alla Festa del Cinema di Roma con due film del programma ufficiale

The Cinema in the hospital is good for Patients: the first data on the Studio Gemini Degenti confirm.

Gladly we relaunch the news appeared on the site of the Gemelli Hospital:A Hospital Foundation. Gemini and Medicinema Italy Onlus are launching the new fundraising. from 9 al 15 January campaign on RAI solidarity with sms 45514. Attend a movie, although hospitalized, It is a therapeutic experience that helps reduce the perception of pain, bringing relief to patients and their families. This is confirmed by the first data of the research project coordinated by Prof. Celestino Pio Lombardi, Foundation University Hospital A. Gemelli in Rome and responsible

SAVE The DATE: Medicinema Italy and the Polyclinic A. Cuff links with the New Cinema Festival and Mediafriends

Wednesday 12 October preview of the contest dedicated to movies made by disabled people in the room Medicinema the Twins with the awarding of the Short Film 1st place, judged by a special jury of patients, doctors and medical staff dell'ospedale.In at the tenth edition of the "Festival of New Cinema", the International Biennial Competition dedicated to short films starring disabled, Mediafriends, in collaboration with Medicinema Italy Onlus, Wednesday 12 October, at 17.00, in Rome, at the Hall Medicinema the Gemelli University Polyclinic, will take place the premiere of the film festival with awards

Cop Still Try distributed by UNIVERSAL exclusive preview at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome

 Third screening of the first movie theater to the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli in Rome as a therapy for relief of hospitalized people. This time the sponsor is the UNIVERSAL Pictures that Italy has made available a preview of the sequel signed by Tim Story. After two years back those two relations (Ice Cube e Kevin Hart) for the public more adult patients of the Policlinico Gemelli. The film is made by the producers of Straight Outta Compton will be released in theaters next 12 May, but thanks to Universal Pictures Italiae Medicinema - Italy Onlus,

World Premiere of The Jungle Book at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome

Official opening of the first cinema at the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli in Rome as a therapy for relief of hospitalized people. After two years since the launch of the project developed with the support of Medicinema -Italy Onlus, It came the great day that all the parties that cooperated expected (Policlinico Gemelli, Medicinema - Italy, Walt Disney Company Italy). The synergetic effort of all is well rewarded by this milestone, starting with the director Giuseppe Tornatore who has lent his work for a commercial spot with music by Claudio Baglioni. Already

The magic of cinema becomes Gemini therapy

Volentieri riportiamo la campagna pubblicitaria di MediCinema Italia Dal 3 all’11 gennaio potrai sostenere MediCinema donando 2€ o 5€ al 45599 RAI for the Gemelli Polyclinic and MediCinema | from 4 al 10 January 2016 Aiuta a realizzare la prima vera sala cinematografica in uno dei più grandi ospedali italiani. Una settimana sulle reti RAI per sostenere il progetto di Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli di Roma e MediCinema Italia Onlus per utilizzare il cinema come terapia per i malati e i loro familiari. Con una donazione al numero 45599 gives
