#MarettimoItalianFilmFest: All the winners of the 4th edition

Stella Maris Award for Best Film 2023 a La primavera della mia vita La serata finale, conducted by Beppe Convertini and Gabriella Carlucci, andrà in onda sulla Rai Si è chiusa con la consegna dei premi Stella Maris, between moments of music and entertainment, la quarta edizione del Marettimo Italian Film Fest - We love the sea (MIFF), l’appuntamento cinematografico che si è svolto sull’isola più occidentale e selvaggia delle Egadi. Ad aggiudicarsi il Premio come Miglior film 2023 è stato La primavera della mia vita di Zavvo Nicolosi, played by Colapesce and Dimartino. Guest of honor of the evening

Marettimo Italian Film Fest: The First King of Matteo Rovere wins the first edition

It was concluded in the beautiful location of the new port of Marettimo the first edition of the same name dedicated to Italian Cinema Festival under the artistic direction of director Paolo Genovese.   Even last night Gabriella Carlucci, She is shopping for the success of the event after the show cooking by the Prof. Alex Sorini Ravelli who accompanied the four days of meetings, debates on the cinema and the environment, film presentations, first works, courts, documentaries. The Jury of Marettimo Italian Film Fest chaired by Laura Delli Colli and consists of Adriana Chiesa De

First edition of MARETTIMO-ITALIANFILMFEST – Marettimo (Egadi) 17-20 July

Why An Italian Film Festival explains Gabriella Carlucci: The need to create a national film festival that celebrates and strengthens the Italian production, allowing the many works created in our area to be able to compare, analyzing the issues addressed by Italian directors and offer new opportunities for our players to be more popular. We firmly believe therefore that it can be an important opportunity to create the first edition of the National "MARETTIMO-ITALIANFILMFEST", First Film Festival all Made in Italy, that checks the Prize "STELLA MARIS" in films and first works out in the room in the last twelve months,
