The Cultural Association recount CINEMA ETS with the support of the Cultural Center INSTITUT FRANÇAIS - CENTER SAINT LOUIS di Roma, DOC.IT sponsored by the Association and the Lazio Region, and in collaboration with the 'Istituto Rossellini and the High School of Rome presents Socrates: DOC YEAR ZERO 1st Edition: IL CINEMA DEL REALE NUOVA VIA DELLA CINEMATOGRAFIA ITALIANA La rassegna si svolgerà nell’intera giornata del 16 April 2018 in space made available by the Cultural Center INSTITUT FRANÇAIS - CENTER SAINT-LOUIS Rome to reinvigorate the film-loving culture and "capture" other, young and no,

The protagonist of the Earth Doc Marco Amenta MAGIC ISLAND: review of Marina fearful

In Italian cinemas from 12 January, Magic Island is the last work of the documentary filmmaker Marco Amenta, which he tells us about the famous American actor and character across the board, of Sicilian origin, Vincent Schiavelli. The story starts from NYC, where he lives and works as a musician Andrea, twenty-seven child actor, who - despite being very attached to her father - in the last years of the life of these is no longer able to cultivate the relationship with him. One day Andrea gets a call from Sicily and . . . The

The protagonist of the Earth Doc Marco Amenta MAGIC ISLAND: the review

In Italian cinemas from 12 January, Magic Island is the last work of the documentary filmmaker Marco Amenta, which he tells us about the famous American actor and character across the board, of Sicilian origin, Vincent Schiavelli. The story starts from NYC, where he lives and works as a musician Andrea, twenty-seven child actor, who - despite being very attached to her father - in the last years of the life of these is no longer able to cultivate the relationship with him. One day Andrea gets a call from Sicily and . . . The documentary by

from 12 In January "MAGIC ISLAND" salt MARCO AMENTA

The 12 January comes out on Magic Island area the new documentary road movie by Marco Amenta. Produced by Eurofilm Simonetta Amenta with Sicily Film Commission, Mediterranea Film Paris e Ile de France Region, It is the poignant journey of Andrea, son Italo-American actor Vincent Schiavelli. One of the most famous characteristic of American cinema, of Sicilian origin who has starred in over 150 film. Known for its numerous and often acclaimed roles including the subway ghost in Ghost and One Flew Over the nest

XVI Edition International Film Festival of Frontier Marzamemi 25-31 July

The thirteenth edition of the film festival uses once again the natural setting of the historic center of the Pachinese seaside village, with the square,  the trap and the courtyard of Villadorata, by turning on three cinema screens. As the director NELLO CORREALE points out, creator and artistic director of the festival it is: «… A frontier cinema intended not as a peripheral or marginal cinema, waste of a dominant cinema, centripeto; but a cinema that questions itself, that looks at the other by itself, open to the new. A cinema that points towards the outside, outpost and
