The strength of women: the Laura Aprati documentary Marco Bova comparing generations, ethnicity, social conditions begins his tour

The 16 January the first symbolic step at the Foreign Press Center in Rome (Via Humility 83 / c, ore 11.00, free admission): to moderate the journalist Luisa Betti Dakla, among the guests called to intervene, besides Aprati and Bova, Valeria Fedeli Minister of Education, Rima Karaki Lebanese journalist among the voices of the documentary, Paolo Butturini, FNSI secretary, Paul Borrometi, President Articolo21, and Gianfranco Cattai President of Focsiv. The tour will pass through Italy and find its climax with the Perugia Journalism Festival in mid-April. "With Focsiv, supporting us - explains Laura Aprati -, we decided to take the opportunity of
