SPECIAL # CANNES74 - 6/17 July 2021 #4 (DAYS 2/4)

The novelties of the autonomous sections and a detour to the beach with LE FESTIVAL DE CANNES SOUS LES ÉTOILES! (da Cannes Luigi Noera - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) Jonas Carpignano returns to Cannes with the third volume of the trilogy (Mediterranea and A Chambra) sulla terra di Calabria Dopo la serata inaugurale giovedì sera sulla spiaggia dove si possono veder i film ad accesso libero è stata la volta di un CINÉ-CONCERT – AVANT-PREMIÈRE MONDIALE di TOM MEDINA Il nuovo film del grande Tony Gatlif, awarded for best

L’ Italian A Ciambra excluded from the list of three candidates for the LUX PRIZE

During the presentation of the Venice Days press conference, President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, It announced the three films competing for the LUX Prize 2017 that are: 120 beats per minute - BPM (Beats Per Minute) Robin Campillo, Francia Sameblod - Sámi Blood di Amanda Kernell, Sweden, Norway, Danimarca Western di Valeska Grisebach, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria La coordinatrice della Commissione cultura e istruzione del Parlamento Europeo, Silvia Costa, Instead he greeted the audience with a video message. Il LUX Film Prize, now in its eleventh edition, It is nine

XXIII Prague International Film Festival (DAY -2). At the opening ceremony of the Febiofest will award the Master Bellocchio Kristian Award for his contribution to world cinema

( Photo courtesy Prague IFF - Febiofest) Tuttto ready for the start of the 23rd edition of FEBIOFEST to be held in Prague from 17 al 25 March into all multiplexes Anděl. For the first time in its history after 23 years, the opening ceremony of the Festival will take place in the prestigious Municipal House in Prague. The opening film is nominated for an Oscar Carol, with Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, which will be screened in the presence of a thousand guests. At the same time in the historical site of the

Dopo il riconoscimento della National Board of Review a Mediterranea di J. Carpignano, Paolo Sorrentino corre per i GOLDEN GLOBES

Dopo gli NBR Awards i GOLDEN GLOBES. In diretta dal Beverly Hills Hotel di Hollywood l’annuncio dei vincitori possibili candidati agli OSCAR ®. Questa sera verranno annunciati ad Hollywood i vincitori dei Golden Globes. Quest’anno la Giuria internazionale di giornalisti è presieduta dall’italiano Lorenzo Soria. L’annuncio sarà come ogni anno significativo per capire il polso della situazione della prossima notte degli OSCAR ® 2016. La serata televisiva internazionale, trasmessa dal Beverly Hills Hotel, sarà possibile vederla in diretta anche in Italia. Nella stessa serata verranno assegnati i Golden Globe del piccolo

Il LUX PRIZE 2015 the film will MUSTANG

Verdict almost taken for granted on the winning film which comes from Turkey which until recently was one step away from joining the 28 United States of Europe countries. L'Europe, then sends a strong signal to the turkish government Ergodan on the policies implemented concerning the freedom of a nation that is at the crossroads of two cultures that face. However the other two films in competition had what it takes to claim the prize. Especially Mediterranean, other work before, that talks about the very current topic

THE FESTIVAL MEDFILM affiliated with the Carthage Film Festival – Carthage Film Festival.

The Carthage Film Festival and its director Ibrahim Letaief on the occasion of the 26th edition present the ITALIAN CINEMA DAYS IN TUNIS - TRIBUTE TO ITALY. The Italian Cultural Institute of Tunis will participate in the Carthage Film Festival (21-28 November 2015), presenting to the Tunisian public, once again in collaboration with Medfilm Festival and its director Ginella Vocca, a wide selection of very recent award-winning and unreleased films in Tunisia from various international festivals, in the presence of important personalities from the world of cinema and culture. The selection (overall 15
