It closes The Month of Documentary V ^ Edition with the Winner

over 2300 People for the 5th edition of The Documentary of the Month 28 projections, 7 city, 4 films in competition, 2 masterclass Il Premio del Pubblico va a “THIS IS CONGO” di Daniel McCabe Il film sarà proiettato Venerdì 2 March at 20.00 during the awards ceremony at the Casa del Cinema (Largo Marcello Mastroianni, 1 - Roma) Followed by a toast offered by Casale del Giglio and "VolunteersParty" at The Sanctuary Eco Retreat (via the Baths of Trajan fourth - Free admission) TRAILER DEL FILM VINCITORE This is Congo (Usa, 2017, 93’)

The Month of Documentary presents the latest film: NOWHERE TO HIDE di Zaradasht Ahmed

It arrives in Italian cinemas exclusively for The Month of Documentary "NOWHERE TO HIDE" to Zaradasht Ahmed (Iraq, Norway, Sweden, 2016, 78′,v.o. with subtitles in Italian) Production: Ten Thousand Images "One of the documentaries considered the most important international press in 2016", Pitch for ESoDoc within IDS Academy 2015 Best Film Award at IDFA 2016 In the Official Selection 2017 al Festival Middle East Now e al Festival Le Voci dell'Inchiesta Con “NOWHERE TO HIDE” Il Mese del Documentario presenta l’ultimo film in concorso per il Premio del Pubblico della sua
