#ROMAFF18 – 18- 28/10/2023 SPECIAL #5: (DAY 3) I TOLD YOU SO by Ginevra Elkan – VALENTINA's review

At the second directorial test Ginevra Elkan presents us with illustrations depicting the Christmas angels that open this comic story, dramatic, blasphemous, per tanti versi ma anche molto sincero tutto al femminile Vediamo un atto sessuale, take place under the sacred icons, scattered throughout Gianna's apartment (an impeccable Valeria Bruni Tedeschi), religious fanatic. This carnal encounter is followed by a reckless frenzy: Gianna's daughter suffers from an eating disorder, il binge eating disorder, which leads her to ingest food straight from the fridge. The mother-daughter relationship that directs her, Geneva Elkan, puts
