SPECIAL # VENICE78 #16 – 1/11SETTEMBER 2021: (DAYS8&9)

(Luigi Noera from Venice with the kind collaboration of Marina Pavido and Annamaria Stramondo and from the WEB room Maria Vittoria Battaglia - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) I Fratelli D’Innocenzo dividono la platea di Venezia CONCORSO AMERICA LATINA di DAMIANO D'INNOCENZO, FABIO D'INNOCENZO Dopo un film d’esordio riuscito e piaciuto al pubblico e un opera seconda che sebbene premiata a Berlino ha sofferto la pandemia della prima ora i fratelli D’Innocenzo ci stupiscono per la terza volta per la loro corale fantasia. We are their fans and supporters and the

Success for Mainetti at Cinevasioni 2016 with his They called him Jeeg Robot

Si è conclusa il 14 maggio – la prima edizione di Cinevasioni, the first film festival in prison, scheduled 9 al 14 May inside the home district of Dozza. La giuria composta da un gruppo di detenuti della casa circondariale della Dozza e presieduta dall’attore Ivano Marescotti, ha assegnato il premio – la Farfalla di ferro – come Miglior Film Cinevasioni 2016 a Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot di Gabriele Mainetti con la seguente motivazione: Questo film rappresenta una novità assoluta nel panorama cinematografico italiano. E’ un indubbio capolavoro

Cinevasioni First Film Festival in Prison 9 -14 May Prison of Bologna Dozza

From Matteo Garrone Daniele Lucchetti and Gabriele Mainetti, directors in prison for the first edition of festivalBologna is preparing to host the first edition of Cinevasioni, the first film festival in prison, scheduled 9 al 14 May inside the home district of Dozza. Not a festival on prison, but a festival in carcereche will also be open to the public - free entrance with places limitati.Per how credit check www.cinevasioni.it/news/modalita-partecipazione-come-spettatori Powered by DE-R Documentary Association Emilia - Romagna in collaboration with the Directorate of Prison

DAVID 2016 - lights and shadows on the Italian festival reached its 60th birthday.

Once again, the awards ceremony of the David di Donatello, now in its 60th edition is discussed. When in late March came the fives of applications we had no doubt that the best film was Fuocoammare Gianfranco Rosi recognized as such by the prestigious Berlinale jury. But you know, no prophet is loved in Patria. In addition to a mysterious alchemy game the prize was awarded instead to Tale of Tales - Tale of Tales by Matteo Garrone. We value independent filmmaker who has deserved the
