SPECIAL # FestivalDeiPopoli # 60 #1 – 2/9 November 2019: (DAY1) – The Italian premiere of "Sea-Watch 3" opens 60 / mo Peoples Festival

(Florence Luigi Noera - Photos are published courtesy of the Festival dei Popoli) There will also be the first Italian "John & Yoko: above us only sky” sull’origine di Imagine, the most famous song in the world. Saturday the Italian premiere of the documentary "A Dog Called Money" award-winning photographer Seamus Murphy, sulla cantante cult PJ Harvey A bordo dell’equipaggio della Sea-Watch, since the first day, in "Sea-Watch 3" di Jonas Schreijäg e Nadia Kailouli; the story of the genesis of one of the most famous albums of all time, “Imagine”

Special 58th #Festival_dei_Popoli, Florence 10 – 17 October (DAYS 1&2)

Il potere dei documentari ovvero i documentari che narrano il rapporto tra immagini e potere Un focus sull’evoluzione del potere nelle sue varie forme, the many faces of contemporary Japan, the wars in the Middle East told in first person, i 100 years of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And then the strength and life of the most famous dancer in the world, Sergei Polunin, the birth of the record company Apple Corps Beatles, la celebre band heavy metal giapponese X Japan e il suo frontman Yoshiki, the slow recovery of Kobanî through the voice
