In a fast, smart World, at least until a few years ago where it was important to be first, now slowed and stopped by the effects of #CORONAVIRUS many we wonder how to use that time. Certainly not to be bored but rather to reflect on the great issues of Humanity. And here is a red light for wondering: Who we are, where we come, but above all where we go. The #CORONAVIRUS shows us the abyss we are going to meet and therefore the motto "Let's stop and think" seems appropriate. We will try to understand regarding the branch of the

“Cinema through the Great Festivals” presents from 15 al 21 September THE FILMS OF VENICE AND LOCARNO in ROME

Foto per gentile concessione di La Biennale e Festival del film Locarno.Nell’ambito del progetto “Il cinema attraverso i Grandi Festival” torna la rassegna I FILM DI VENEZIA E LOCARNO A ROMA, appuntamento sempre molto atteso da tutti gli appassionati di cinema.Per l’edizione 2016, a careful selection of 40 film tra i più apprezzati alla 73^ Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia e al 69° Festival del film Locarno tutti rigorosamente in versione originale, con sottotitoli in italiano.La rassegna di VENEZIA E LOCARNO A ROMA ha tra i suoi
