Spanish Film Festival 2018 11edition

Kicks off in Rome, from 3 May 8 2018 and to follow in several Italian cities. Guests actress Ángela Molina, directors David Trueba and Ana Asensio and Pepón Nieto actors, Adelfa Calvo (Goya award 2018) e Juan Luis Corrientes Si tiene a Roma, at the Cinema Farnese Campo de Fiori by 3 May 8 2018 The eleventh edition of the Spanish Film Festival, which will continue from May to December in over 10 Italian cities. Among the guests of the festival - directed by Federico Sartori and Iris Martin-Peralta - the actress

Spanish Film Festival 10th edition Rome, 4 / 9 May 2017 c / o Cinema Farnese

Guests the star Belén Rueda and Inés Paris director who present the black comedy 'The night that my mother killed my father'; for the inauguration of the actress, Goya award, Anna Castillo 'El Olivo' and many other figures of Spanish cinema. He held in Rome 4 al 9 May 2017, as usual at the Cinema Farnese Campo de 'Fiori, The tenth edition of the Spanish Film Festival. The event, that has always figured as traveling, He will then stop in Reggio Calabria, from 10 al 13 May (University for

Spanish Film Festival 9th ​​edition - after Rome it repeats in Milan with the 3rd edition

The Spanish Film Festival closes the best Roman edition in its history. Next stops in Milan and Trieste. A real crowd enlivened the 9th edition of the Spanish Film Festival in Rome, held since 5 al 10 maggio al Cinema Farnese Persol di Campo de'Fiori a Roma. The success is all in the extraordinary figures of the event: over 2.600 presences in 23 projections, for an average of 115 spectators at the screening; total proceeds of over €14,000 in 6 days in 1 single room. With

The 9th edition of the Rome Spanish Film Festival kicks off, 5 – 10 May 2016

Marisa Paredes ospite d'onore, Tributes to Mexico and Cuba, Goya Award Director Daniel Guzmán also guests, il maestro Fernando Colomo e l'attore Lorenzo Balducci. Tappe anche a Milano e Trieste Roma, 5 - 10 maggio 2016Milano, 27 - 29 May 2016 Trieste, 30 e 31 May 2016 Sarà l'attrice Marisa Paredes, among the greatest and most acclaimed Spanish actresses of all time, l'ospite d'onore della 9ᵃ edizione del Festival del Cinema Spagnolo, held in Rome since 5 al 10 May, come di consueto al Cinema

Spanish Film Festival IXth edition

Roma, 5 - 10 maggio 2016Milano, 27 - 29 maggio 2016Trieste, 30 e 31 maggio 2016 Il Festival del Cinema Spagnolo, celebra a Roma la sua nona edizione, from 5 al 10 May, come di consueto al Cinema Farnese Persol di Campo dè Fiori: la manifestazione, that has always figured as traveling, he will therefore stop for the third consecutive year in Milan,presso l'Auditorium San Fedele dal 27 al 29 May, and therefore in Trieste,at the Ariston Cinema,​ il 30 e 31 maggio.La Nueva Ola, the official section of the festival, present
