LA DEA FORTUNA by Ferzan Ozpetek: review of Marina fearful

In Italian cinemas from 19 December, The Goddess Fortuna is the latest feature film directed by Ferzan Ozpetek. A job, the present, that, while dealing with recurring issues within the filmography of filmmaker turkish naturalized Italian, He sees at the center of their stories two children. Two children whose point of view is alternated with that of Arturo and Alessandro (Accorsi and Leo), a pair of standing in crisis. I due, however, They will find themselves in the position of having to temporarily look after Alessandro and Martina, children Annamaria, their best friend, the

They're just ghosts of Christian De Sica is the gag version of Naples Veiled Ozpetek - review of Marina fearful

In Italian cinemas from 14 November, I'm just Ghosts is the latest feature film directed by and starring (with Carlo Buccirosso and Gianmarco Tognazzi) give Christian De Sica. Three brothers, ritrovatisi after several years at the funeral of their father, in order to scrape together a little 'money to be able to redeem their old house, improvise a skit, in order to drive out from the house of their neighbor the ghost of his deceased sister. Their task, surprisingly, He fails and the success of their improvised activities is immediate. and yet, the thing

NAPLES VELATA directed by Ferzan Ozpetek the 28 December in cinemas

A thriller in Naples or Napoli? As in all the movies the key is in the incipit of vision without end of a an ancient palace of stairwell. Beyond the passionate and mysterious story of Adriana starring a sensual Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Ozpetek tells his Napoli, as well as he sees through the eye of filmmaker adopted by Italian cinema, but with an eye to its origins at the crossroads between East and West. Yes, because that Naples has its oriental charm and mystery to those who are not

Red Istanbul in Italian cinemas from 2 March - review of Marina fearful

Red Istanbul is the latest feature of the turkish naturalized Italian filmmaker Ferzan Ozpetek - Italy, Turkey, 2017, 115'Orhan Deniz and have been friends for many years, while not seeing for a long time. in May 2016, But, Orhan, successful writer, He will return to Istanbul to help Deniz - became, meantime, a respected film director - to finish writing his latest book. Following the mysterious disappearance of Deniz, the man will be able to enter into the life of his friend, knowing his family and the people who were more closely linked, Naval e
