Source: Press release. With the In Referenz section, the Diagonal intertwines, broadcasts and expands the focal points around the festival program. In reference to this year's film competition, Diagonale'22 features first works by Friederike Pezold and Kurdwin Ayub: two films each complement the current Revolution der Augen works (dedicated to Kurdwin Ayub, AT 2022) and the opening film Sonne (Wulff calmly accompanies and observes the interaction between institution and society, AT 2022) and thus offer the opportunity to meet or rediscover two extraordinary talents of Austrian cinema. On the occasion of the 80th birthday of award-winning director and screenwriter Michael Haneke, edition 2022 presents
Tag: Diagonal
The retrospectives of the Diagonale'22: The retrospectives of the Diagonale'22
retrospective-diagonal, retrospective-diagonal, cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication? retrospective-diagonal - cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication - cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication. cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication, retrospective-diagonal, retrospective-diagonal, retrospective-diagonal. retrospective-diagonal, cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication, retrospective-diagonal. Between 6 and the 10 April, cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication
“Sun” Sun 2022
cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication 5 cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication (AT 2022) Sun. cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication, the film, Sun, Sun - nella Helmut List Halle - Sun. cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication, Sun, Sun. cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication
The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel “To person” The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel 2022
the banlieue vein and the melò that works admirably on space and collective consciousness. ". In 2022, The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel 6 al 10 The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel. The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, the banlieue vein and the melò that works admirably on space and collective consciousness. "
The Diagonale'22 from 5 al 10 April in Graz
La Diagonale’22, the Austrian Film Festival, It will take place from 5 al 10 April 2022 and for the 25th time in Graz. L'edizione è prevista come un evento in presenza. Within the Diagonal, le giurie internazionali assegnano i premi cinematografici più prestigiosi dell'Austria. Il concorso cinematografico è al centro del programma, che a sua volta è diviso in varie sezioni. Con un mix di nomi affermati ed emergenti, il festival offre l'opportunità di fare scoperte inaspettate e di farsi un'idea della diversità e della vivacità del panorama cinematografico nazionale. Regarding
Diagonal Channel: the streaming offer of the festival
In conjunction with the festival week, i portali di streaming Flimmit e KINO VOD CLUB offriranno collezioni curate con diversi focus e una biglietteria digitale dall'11 giugno. L'offerta digitale di Canale Diagonale sarà completata da esclusive anteprime online dei film in concorso sui siti web di FM4 e Ö1 e da trasmissioni in diretta degli eventi del festival. Quest'anno, for the first time, the Diagonale awards ceremony will also be broadcast as an ad hoc show: la Great Diagonale Price Review, conceived and created by Sebastian Brauneis, potrà essere vista domenica sera
Christine Ostermayer riceverà il Grand Diagonale Acting Award 2021
On the occasion of the opening ceremony of the festival, l'8 giugno, la Diagonale'21 assegnerà per la quattordicesima volta il Großer Diagonale-Schauspielpreis per i contributi alla cultura cinematografica austriaca. La Diagonale è lieta di annunciare che quest'anno il premio va a Christine Ostermayer. The theater actress, cinema and television will receive the award - un’opera d'arte di Verena Dengler - in Graz in person. "Small refined gestures, impersonati con nobile grazia: non importa dove e in quale ruolo significativo l'attrice Christine Ostermayer è apparsa sul palco - ha sempre conquistato il suo pubblico". With
Sebastian Höglinger and Peter Schernhuber directors of the Diagonale until 2023
La Diagonale is pleased to announce that the contracts of Sebastian Höglinger and Peter Schernhuber as artistic directors of the festival will be extended until 2023 at the request of the General Assembly. Due to the ongoing crisis in the cultural and film sector, the General Assembly of the association promoting the Diagonale considers it essential to maintain the continuity of the festival and continue the course of the Diagonale undisturbed until it returns to normal, which is desired by all. A tal fine, Sebastian Höglinger and Peter Schernhuber were invited by the presidents to extend their term of office for