#DIAGONAL 2025 – GRAZ 27 March/1st April

Dall’inviata speciale Marina Pavido La #DIAGONALE è lieta di annunciare le nomination per il Premio Franz Grabner 2025 The name del Franz Grabner Board! The prize will be awarded for the eighth time in the context of the '25 diagonal in the Cinematographic Documentary and Television Documentary categories and is equipped with 5.000 euro each, donated by AAFP and the ORF. The cash prize is intended for the development of the subsequent project of the winners. Are appointed in the television documentary category / TV series / Web format: Karl Kraus - The Power of the Words Di Franz Gruber e Susanne

Le nomination del Premio Franz Grabner 2023


On behalf of the Franz Grabner Prize Council, The Diagonal is pleased to announce the nominations for the Prize Franz Grabner 2023.   BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM: Living Together di Thomas Fürhapter (AT 2021). The Last Dialogue di Fabian Eder (AT 2021) The Way You Shine di Evelyne Faye (AT 2022).   BEST TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY: Visionen Bauen di Diego Breit Lira (AT 2022) Away with it - Die Kunst der Entsorgung di Karin Berghammer (AT 2022) Wohnen um jeden Preis di Kim Kadlec (AT 2022).   The Franz Grabner Prize 2023 sarà assegnato alla Diagonale'23 nelle categorie documentario cinematografico e documentario televisivo ed è

Il Great Diagonal Acting Award 2023 will go to Margarethe Tiesel


As part of the inauguration of the festival, the 21 March, the Diagonale'23 will award the Großer Diagonale Schauspielpreis for the sixteenth time for services rendered to Austrian film culture. La Diagonale is pleased to announce that this year's award goes to the legendary actress Margarethe Tiesel. The theater actress, cinema and television will personally receive the award – a work of art by Xenia Hausner - in Graz. "She gives herself. Not just her desire for intimacy, like the lonely Viennese sex tourist Teresa in Paradise: Love di Ulrich Seidl. It has become like this, as he deserved, a

The In Referenz section of the Diagonale'23 was presented


With the In Referenz section, the Diagonal intertwines, conveys and expands the focal points of its current program. In cooperation with Filmarchiv Austria, the Austrian Film Festival dedicates in 2023 a cinematic homage in four sections to the Graz actress Marisa Mell, which will be complemented by an extensive exhibition at the Graz Museum. Marisa Mell, the "Austrian Sophia Loren", was one of the most famous women in European cinema of the 60s and 70s – a citizen of Graz and the world, a revelation! The In Referenz program also includes studies

The animal in the jungle aprirà la Diagonale'23


La Diagonale is pleased to announce that the Austrian Film Festival will open on Tuesday 21 March with the feature film Das Tier im Dschungel (The beast in the jungle, AT/BE/FR 2023, 103 min.) by Patric Chiha. The feature film will be joined this year by the experimental short film NYC RGB by Viktoria Schmid (US/AT 2023, 7 me), whose world premiere will kick off the gala evening. After the world premiere at the Berlinale, il film The Animal in the Jungle, co-produced by Ebba Sinzinger and Vincent Lucassen (WILDart FILM), it will be projected onto what it is, al

The retrospectives of the Diagonale'23


The Diagonale is pleased to announce two special programs that will be screened at the Austrian Film Festival in March. The first historical special of Diagonale'23 is entitled FINALE and includes five programs selected together with the Filmarchiv Austria and the Austrian Film Museum and with the collaboration of the ORF archive. In the second historical special Aktion! Action!, SYNEMA - Society for Film and Media e la Diagonale si dedicated al regista, critic and author Bernhard Frankfurter (1946-1999). One cannot deny the present a certain tendency towards the ending, to the climax finale. But what about the

The Zur Person section of the Diagonale is dedicated to the director Goran Rebić 2023


The Zur Person section reflects on Austrian cinema and film culture through biographies of worthy Austrian filmmakers. In 2023, the format of the program is dedicated to the director and screenwriter Goran Rebić, born in 1968, who was also an actor for a time. Il programma About the person: Goran Rebić will be screened from 22 al 26 March 2023 within the framework of the Graz Diagonal and will be accompanied by in-depth discussions (diagonal in dialogue), dal workshop "I am history - films between times" and from a listening session. The works of

The Diagonal 2023 from 21 al 26 March to Graz


The Austrian film festival will take place in Graz from 21 al 26 March 2023 and will be the last of the current duo of artistic directors Sebastian Höglinger and Peter Schernhuber.   Within the Diagonal 2023, international juries award Austria's most important film prizes. The film competition is the heart of the programme. With a mix of established and new names, it offers the opportunity to make unexpected discoveries and to get an idea of ​​the diversity and vitality of the national film scene.   Alongside the biography of worthy domestic directors, the Zur Person series reflects on cinema and

Claudia Slanar and Dominik Kamalzadeh will be the new artistic directors of the Diagonale from June 2023


La Diagonale is pleased to announce the new artistic direction of the Austrian Film Festival. By unanimous decision of the General Assembly, Claudia Slanar and Dominik Kamalzadeh will succeed the duo Sebastian Höglinger and Peter Schernhuber as commercial and artistic directors from June 2023 and will be responsible for the festivals from 2024 al 2027.   "Claudia Slanar and Dominik Kamalzadeh intend the Diagonale 'as a place of artistic and political activity'. They convinced the General Assembly both in the submitted project and in the hearing with their intelligent and well thought-out vision for the film festival

Nominations for the Franz Grabner Award 2022

Nominations for the Franz Grabner Award

On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation, The Diagonal is pleased to announce the nominations for the Prize Franz Grabner 2022.   On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation: - Weiyena - A Heimatfilm di Weina Zhao e Judith Benedikt (AT 2020). - On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation - The stolen forest di Ebba Sinzinger, On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation (On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation 2020) - On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation - A Jewish Life di Christian Krönes, On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation, On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation (AT 2021).   On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation: - On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation - Poet in the China Shop di Danielle Proskar (AT 2021) - On behalf of the board of directors of the Franz Grabner Foundation
