UCR apre con un thriller, Wenders ci regala un gioellino in 3D (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are 3 per gentile concessione del Festival di Cannes) Film d’apertura di UN CERTAIN REGARD: LE RÈGNE ANIMAL di Thomas CAILLEY Sinossi: In un mondo colpito da un'ondata di mutazioni che stanno gradualmente trasformando alcuni esseri umani in animali, François fa tutto il possibile per salvare sua moglie, colpita da questa misteriosa condizione. Mentre alcune creature scompaiono in una foresta vicina, lui si imbarca con Emile, il loro figlio sedicenne, in
Tag: #CANNES76
#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2023 SPECIAL #5 (DAY1) Marina's critical raids on the Croisette
Between past and present (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) FUORI CONCORSO JEANNE DU BARRY di MAÏWENN - Film d’apertura Nata in povertà, la cortigiana Jeanne du Barry è una giovane donna della classe operaia affamata di cultura e piacere, che usa il suo fascino per scalare i gradini della scala sociale fino a diventare la favorita del re. Unaware of her status as a courtesan, Luigi Xv riacquista interesse per la vita grazie alla loro relazione. The two fall madly in love. Contro ogni decoro ed
#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2023 SPECIAL #4 (DAY1)
A few hours after the official inauguration, the statements of the President of the Jury and its members (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) The Jury chaired by The Swedish director Ruben Östlund, two-time winner of the Palme d'Or, he praised "the unique aspect of the cinema we are watching together". I don't want us to think” was presented in its entirety in fact Östlund was joined on stage by the jurors Julia Ducournau, Maryam Touzani, Denis Menochet, The Story of the Bird, Brie Larson, Paul Dano, Atiq Rahimi
#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2023 SPECIAL #3 (DAY-1)
The autonomous sections of the Festival: QZ, SdC e ACID: and film (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) Alongside the sacred monsters presented in the Competition, Out of Competition and in Un Certain Regard, the Cannes Film Festival hosts three sections in separate but adjacent locations on the Croisette where new talents can be discovered. Here is the cultural proposal of 2023 which will be a year of rebirth after Covid. For the official selection, please refer to the previous article by Marina Pavido who already has us
#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2023 SPECIAL #2 (DAY -1): Competition films
Three Italians in competition (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) Due veterani in concorso con la Rohrwacher Il Festival di Cannes 2023 once again this year it will present a richer and fuller program than ever. For this edition 2023 great are the expectations on the Croisette, especially regarding the fact that, after one edition (that of 2020) canceled and two other editions in which the security measures due to the pandemic were still strong, this year the situation finally seems to have returned to the
#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2023 SPECIAL #1 (DAY -10)
Tutte le novità del Festival di Cannes, in assoluto il Festival cinematografico per eccellenza (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) Dedichiamo questo articolo di lancio innanzitutto al manifesto scelto per questa edizione che vede il Mondo uscire dalla Pandemia, ma con purtroppo una guerra in atto nel cuore dell’Europa. Il Manifesto del 77mo Festival di Cannes è dedicato a Catherine Deneuve Costa Azzurra, 1 June 1968. L'attrice Catherine Deneuve è sulla spiaggia di Pampelonne, vicino a Saint-Tropez, per le riprese di
#CANNES76 – 16/27 May 2022 SPECIAL #1 (DAY -35): News and rumors
L’Italia a Cannes, festival forecasts waiting for the Line Up which will be presented by the Fremaux Director after Easter (from Cannes Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) After the announcement of the opening film of the event on the Croisette the 2023 it could be the year of the massive return of Italian films such as the possible ones by Alice Rohrwacher, Nanni Moretti, Matteo Garrone and Marco Bellocchio, but also Saverio Costanzo. Rohrwacher's Chimera is his most international film to date, with a cast that