(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) BOA ALPER TO TOUR WITH HIS TALE OF PUTTING A mortgage on the bear BERLINALE, FUORI CONCORSO McKAY CI RACCONTA I POTERI OCCULTI AMERICANI Il regista Emin Alper distintosi a Venezia due anni fa presenta a Berlino Kiz Kardesler (A Tale of Three Sisters), this time set in the hard soil of Anatolia in the mountains. The author very attached to his land tells the rural Turkey where the world seems to stand still.
SPECIAL 69ma #BERLINALE #5 – 7/17 FEBRUARY 2019: (DAY 3)
(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Italy agostino and Ferrente A German serial killer told by Fatin Akin conquer the audience of the Berlinale Palast, BOLLYWOOD TO AN UNPRECEDENTED RAP, A PANORAMA IL GIAPPONE RACCONTA LE DIVERSITA‘ Iniziamo dal film austriaco Der Boden unter den Füßen (The Ground Beneath My Feet) Marie Kreutzer that with the typical coldness of Austrians gives us the relationship between two sisters in the report unbalanced mental illness. But the eternal conflict
SPECIAL 69ma #BERLINALE #4 – 7/17 FEBRUARY 2019: (DAY 2 )
(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) competition in the issue of pedophilia in the church, ma anche dall’Asia un noir Fuori dagli schemi La Berlinale entra nel vivo con in CONCORSO tre titoli impegnativi. Let's talk about the one that will surely discuss François Ozon with Grâce à Dieu addresses the current issue of pedophilia in the Church of the Third Millennium. He does this with soft tones that highlight your trust in God that does not abused by
SPECIAL 69ma #BERLINALE #3 – 7/17 FEBRUARY 2019: (DAY 1)
(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Una favola mancata in Concorso ed un noir incompleto a Panorama inaugurano l’ultima edizione a guida Dieter Kosslick Dopo il Red carpet affollatissimo per l’attesa della Presidente della Giuria Internazionale Giuliette Binoche, an excited like never Artistic Director Dieter Kosslick has unveiled its latest edition with the inaugural film The Kindness of Strangers Danish director Lone Scherfig. For us followed the screening tireless Marina fearful that describes the film: The
SPECIAL 69ma #BERLINALE #2 – 7/17 FEBRUARY 2019: (DAY -3)
(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Uno sguardo alle sezioni collaterali dove si nascondono i più bei film e uno sguardo alla pattuglia italiana Panorama 40: una riflessione sullo spirito del programma Il 2019 segna la 40a edizione della sezione Panorama della Berlinale. Sin dalla sua prima edizione nel 1980 la sezione ha presentato film destinati a ispirare e provocare e a sfidare le abitudini di visione e pensiero del pubblico. La selezione dei film è allo stesso tempo
SPECIAL 69ma #BERLINALE #1 – 7/17 FEBRUARY 2019: (DAY -7)
(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) In a week it will open the last edition directed by Dieter Kosslick in a general climate of doubt for the films in competition. Già sappiamo che Kindness of Strangers di Lone Scherfig aprirà la 69ma Berlinale Il 69 ° Berlin International Film Festival will open on 7 February 2019 with the world premiere of the new film by Lone Scherfig, The Kindness of Strangers. Denmark-Canada co-production in English with Sweden, Francia e Germania è stata
SPECIALE 68ma #BERLINALE #TALENTS #1 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018 – Lav Diaz
#TALENTS @Berlinale#68 : Lav Diaz in Songs from the Past: Films Travel in Time (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - The photos and videos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) In the daily reports we reported how interesting they are the TALENTS TALKS in which have come and gone, besides the Chairman of the international jury Tom Tykwer on the theme of this year's Berlinale Talents: Secrets moderated by veteran Peter Cowie, even directors like Gus Van Sant who dealt with the theme A Place Like Home: The Cinema of Gus
SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #18 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018
History of Kermesse Berliner opened with RISING SUN and won by 'outsiders Adina Pintilie with Touch Me Not with the leitmotiv The FEAR (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) The most popular moviegoer marathon of the old continent with over 300 in programming films began with an atypical opening night for the choice of a US director Wes Anderson animated film featuring Isle of Dogs. These are the adventures of a Japanese boy in search of
SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #16 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAYS 7&8)
At Gröning final stages and Adina Pintilie with disturbing languages confirm the theme @Berlinale: the Fear (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Many were the expectations for the German film by Robert heißt Gröning Mein Bruder und ist ein Idiot and the other German production of Adina Pintilie Touch Me Not, much is that someone has dared "in the dark" a serious claim on the 68th Berlinale Bears. Gröning presents in an intimate story a universal feeling like
SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #15 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 8) - Yardieè in Idris Elba
A taste of first work from the selection PANORAMA (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the 68th Berlinale, within the Panorama section, Yardieè the debut British actor Idris Elba, based on the novel by Victor Headley. We in Jamaica, in 1973. The young D is a cheerful and lively child, innamorato di Yvonne e affezionatissimo a suo fratello maggiore Jerry, who considers his leadership. One day, But, following a shootout between rival gangs, Jerry is killed. Ten years later,