SiciliAmbiente Film Festival XII edition 4 / 8 August San Vito Lo Capo (TP)

SICILIAMBIENTE IS AN INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL, SHORT FILMS AND ANIMATIONS RELATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ E DEI DIRITTI UMANI Al via la XII edizione di SiciliAmbiente, to be held from 4 on 8 August in San Vito Lo Capo. The festival, directed by Antonio Bellia, with the organizational direction of Sheila Melosu at 19.30 in the Garden room with the presentation of the book by Davide Ficarra "Follow the ash" (Navarra Publisher) who will be present at the event to meet the festival audience. Set against the backdrop of the maxi-trial at Cosa Nostra, in a Palermo that

SiciliAmbiente Film Festival XI Edition – San Vito Lo Capo 14 – 19 July

We can not talk about sustainable development lightly: it is a daily commitment, combativeness, awareness. For the environment it takes the field, using every means. Even the story: film, documentary, cartoon. And 'what he's doing now for more than ten editions the SiciliAmbiente Film Festival, International documentary festival, short films and animated films, which it has long encompasses works inspired by the themes of environmental protection, sustainable development, Women and human rights. The new edition - the eleventh - is scheduled for next Sunday, 14 July to

La corsa L'Ora, written and directed by Antonio Bellia to the movies Rouge et Noir in Palermo

It will be presented in Palermo, national preview, Friday 24 February at 18.15, al cinema Red and Black, La corsa L'Ora, a documentary film written and directed by Antonio Bellia, which traces the history of the TIME, the small and glorious newspaper Palermo, hotbed of prestigious brands, always at the forefront in denouncing the mafia. Con il regista Antonio Bellia interverranno: Pietro Grasso - President of the Senate, Anthony Emanuele Barbagallo - Councillor for Tourism, Sport and Entertainment of Sicily Region, Leoluca Orlando - Mayor of Palermo, Alessandro Rais - dirigente
