It is also repeated this year the historical show Le Vie Del Cinema from Cannes to Rome and the Region to be held in the capital and in some municipalities of the Region 14 al 18 June. L'event, inaugurating the edition 2017 The cinema of the project through the great festival, It is promoted by ANEC Lazio and boasts the prestigious partnership with SIAE, in addition to the established collaboration with the Lazio Region and CityFest - Fondazione Cinema per Roma.La manifestazione porta in alcune sale romane e laziali una rinomata selezione di film provenienti direttamente dal


It is also repeated this year the historical show Le Vie Del Cinema from Cannes to Rome and the Region to be held in the capital and in some municipalities of the Region 14 al 18 June. L'event, inaugurating the edition 2017 The cinema of the project through the great festival, It is promoted by ANEC Lazio and boasts the prestigious partnership with SIAE, in addition to the established collaboration with the Lazio Region and CityFest - Fondazione Cinema per Roma. The event brings in some Roman salt and Lazio a popular selection of films coming directly from

In Italian cinemas from 15 June, Paris can wait – first work by Eleanor Coppola – review of Marina fearful

Paris can wait - presented in Italian preview at the 13th edition of the Biografilm by Eleanor Coppola, moglie del grande cineasta Francis Ford Coppola.La storia prende il via, not by chance, at Cannes, where the festival has just ended and where, for the occasion, Producer Michael Lockwood also had to be present (Alec Baldwin) together with his wife Anne (played by a beautiful Diane Lane), often overlooked by him because of his profession. The man, immediately after the festival, he has to go out of France for work, ma Anne non può

BIOGRAFILM 9 – 19 June Bologna

Biografilm Festival - International Celebration of Lives is the first event dedicated to the life stories, which brings in Italy the best of biographical and international cinema documentary and annually hosts authors, directors, producers, artists, musicians and great protagonists of contemporanea.A Biografilm cultural life stories are entertainment, thanks to a selection of engaging content and exciting that never fail to involve the public, but they are also the catalyst that makes you think and converse on the crucial issues of contemporaneità.Biografilm thus aims to spread cinematographic works

Nelle sale italiane dall’8 giugno, La mummia diretto da Alex Kurtzman . review of Marina fearful

Nelle sale italiane dall’8 giugno, La mummia è l’ultimo, lanciatissimo blockbuster diretto da Alex Kurtzman, nonché remake dell’omonimo film del 1932 – diretto da Karl Freund, con il grande Boris Karloff. Con tale lungometraggio verrà riavviata la fortunata saga iniziata nel 1999.Ci troviamo nell’antico Egitto. La principessa Ahmanet, dopo aver ucciso suo padre ed il fratellino appena nato, che le avrebbe strappato il trono, viene mummificata viva. Circa duemila anni dopo la sua tomba viene dissotterrata ed aperta, facendola, so, risorgere e minacciando di conseguenza l’incolumità dell’intero pianeta.Operazione rischiosa, quella


This weekend an unprecedented appointment of the 'Splendor - Sounds and Visions' program was launched on the second evening on Iris, in collaboration with the Istituto Luce Cinecittà and Cinecittà News, gli Splendor Awards, awards dedicated to those who make films and who have distinguished themselves for their skill over the past few months., conducted by the film critic Mario Sesti famous faces took turns on the stage of the Teatro Rossellini in Rome for the delivery of the prizes to celebrate their last

The crime does not retire is the debut of the actor Fabio Fulco – review of Marina fearful

Edda, elderly lady who lives in a nursing home, He was forced to pledge their wedding ring to help his daughter in serious financial straits. Following this, the woman suffers a sudden illness and his friends, they too boarders of the same residence for the elderly, decide to organize a robbery - with the help dell'inserviente Sasa - in a bingo hall in the area, al fine di aiutare la loro amica.Indubbiamente, and since the early minutes, They notice good intentions on the part of the actor / director: his

SILVER BELT 2017: a taste, and the odds on the evening at the Greek Theater in Taormina July 1

It took place at the MAXXI in Rome as it was for the 70th edition of the announcement of nominations of TAPES Silver Edition 2017 which in some ways repeats with new inputs and two important exclusions due to the period considered the applications of David di Donatello. On that occasion precisely in addition to films now excluded The Mad Joy and Gone with the Wind had excelled Indivisible by Edoardo De Angelis with six statuettes. Nevertheless at the Nastri d'Argento Indivisible seven nominations repeats in the company of The Tenderness of Gianni Amelio

KARAWANFEST – 6 / 11 JUNE 2017

BEGINS IN ROME TO FREE ENTRY THE SIXTH EDITION OF THE FESTIVAL THAT IS LIVING WITH THEMES IN UNPRECEDENTED COMEDIES WEARS OPENAIR, BETWEEN THE COURTS OF Torpignattara And PIGNETO 6 days of cinema and meetings devoted to the subject: Highlighting fears 6 courtyards · 8 film · 2 Italian previews · 1 European premiere guests Pegah Ferydoni and Arifur Rahman From 6 11 June returns to Rome KarawanFest, the first and only film event - free admission to availability -
