In Italian cinemas from 24 August, Despicable Me 3

Despicable Me 3 It is the last (at the moment) chapter of the successful animation saga began in 2010 with Despicable Me, which was followed Despicable Me 2 (2013) e lo spin-off Minions (2015). Even during this last chapter, the direction was entrusted to the French Pierre Coffin - his, Moreover, the task of doubling the cute minions - while his right arm was replaced by Chris Renaud Kyle Balda. After more than four years since the last chapter, find, as always, the former very bad Crane, happily married

ESCO (uncovered) to S monumental Complex. Maria Spasimo Palermo

from 24 August 6 September SudTitles, with the support of SIAE, It offers two weeks of Italian cinema, between classic and contemporary cinema. Admission is free. Missed opportunity summer Palermo, ESCO back for the fourth year in a row (uncovered) the summer festival of film to 'open the Cultural Sudtitles edited and produced with the support of SIAE - Italian Society of Authors and Publishers and the support of the City of Palermo. The event, dedicated to Italian cinema, It will take place from 24 August 6 September at the Monumental complex S. Maria

ART FILM CULTURE Circeo San Felice Circeo (LT) – 23/26 August 2017

It 'started last night in San Felice Circeo (Latina) - Wednesday 23 and tine until Saturday 26 August 2017 Circeo Film Art Culture, cultural event sponsored by the City of San Felice Circeo, in two prestigious and suggestive location, Piazza Luigi and Lanzuisi, for special events, Vigna la Corte. The event - free admission to availability - is organized in collaboration with the cultural association Four Events, the artistic coordination of Francesca Piggianelli and the artistic direction of director Paolo Genovese. Conducting the review Tosca

Special # LOCARNO70 : The Awards jury divided critics and while France is full of Pardi

It could not be otherwise because the selection 2017 which comprises more than fifty new works is characterized as already stated by a massive presence of 0ltre Alpe film (about one third of new titles). The curiosity is that, as often happens, the jury has distanced itself from criticism by assigning the Grand Prize of the Festival and the City of Locarno to the film: MRS. FANG di WANG Bing, which unfortunately we have not seen but which has enjoyed instead of a third place of criticism among the most authoritative and in particular

#LOCARNO70 – The winners

The Locarno festival draws to a close last night and were delivered during the official ceremony the prizes to the winners of the various sections followed by the screening of GOTTHARD - ONE LIFE, ONE SOUL, Kevin Merz. But here are the winning films: Concorso internazionale Pardo d’oro MRS. FANG di WANG Bing, France, China, Germany Premio Speciale Della Giuria (Special Jury Prize) GOOD MANNERS di Juliana Rojas, Marco Dutra, Brazil, France Pardo per la Miglior Regia F. J. OSSANG for 9 FINGERS, France, Portugal Pardo per la Miglior Interpretazione Femminile ISABELLE HUPPERT in MADAME HYDE di Serge Bozon,

The teacher di Jan Hrebejk e Petr Jarchovsky – review of Marina fearful

In Italian cinemas from 7 September, The teacher is the latest feature film directors Jan Hrebejk and Petr Jarchovsky, comedy inspired by true events, with strong criticism of the communist dictatorship of the past decades. Siam Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, in 1983. In a middle school enters Mrs. Maria, The seemingly teacher mother and a little 'eccentric, widow of a senior communist official and representative, anch'ella, the Party in the school. At the time of the appeal, she does not hesitate to ask students what job do their parents. The


PREMIATI ANCHE PAMELA ANDERSON E MICHAEL MADSEN La giuria della kermesse, composed by Sebastiano Somma, Antonella Fassari, Gianfrancesco Lazotti and Alessandro Haber, decreed the winner Fabio Grassadonia movies and Antonio Piazza why, as stated in the grounds, "Is a film that takes you into the abyss in a mild and merciless, who can give hope showing the dark, who is not afraid to show what someone is scary. A cry of hope that it is impossible not to hear. A work that is not just a movie but it's 'film' ". A

#Locarno70: France dominated in number and quality.

The selection 2017 which comprises more than fifty new works is characterized as already stated by a massive presence of 0ltre Alpe film (about one third of new titles in the face of ten Italians always new titles) to emphasize the crisis that crosses the Italian cinema. We have to say that apart from two or three exceptions the selection of the 70th Locarno does not excel while the independent section of the film in the Critics' Week for their quality and topic have called our attention. We managed to


It 'going to Catanzaro, from 29 July to 5 August 2017 the fourteenth edition of the Magna Graecia Film Festival, in the enchanting surroundings of the marina and fishing port. The film festival, conceived and directed by Gianvito Casadonte, It confirms more international thanks to the big names of international guests expected. During the Festival, indeed, special presence will be to Tim Roth, Actor who got in 1996 la nomination al Premio Oscar per “Rob Roy” di Michael Caton-Jones e ha interpretato tanti film di successo, from "Reservoir Dogs", “Pulp Fiction” e “The Hateful

International Festival of Cinema poetic animation: The prices

At the second edition of Animavì - International Festival of Animation Cinema poetic triumphs The short Russian "Brutus", Svetlana Filippova while the Audience Award goes to Italian short "Confinement", Sicilian Nico Bonomolo. It was held in the historic center of Pergola (Pesaro - Urbino) in the garden of Casa Godio and in numerous other locations, from 12 al 16 July 2017 The second edition of ANIMAVÌ - International Festival of Cinema poetic animation, under the artistic direction of the most important Italian director of animated films, Simone Massi. They were assigned
