Special # ROMAFF12 – The Spanish film disappoints with accativante ABRACADABRA Pablo Berger

Premiered at the 12th edition of the Rome Film Festival, Abracadabra is the last feature - after the interesting Blancanieves, tribute to the Brothers Grimm and the silent movies - the Spanish film director Pablo Berger. We are on the outskirts of Madrid. Carmen is a frustrated housewife, who for years lived a marital crisis because of a grumpy husband and distracted, Carlos, whose only interest is Real Madrid. One day, during a wedding feast, the man undergoes a hypnosis experiment by a relative who delights in performing in magic shows. following

Special # ROMAFF12 – Cabros de Mierdia best films from Latin America

Per non dimenticare le nefandezze della dittatura militare di Pinochet in Cile un film che coniuga il reportage di allora con l'impegno civile di oggi Presentato in anteprima all’interno della Selezione Ufficiale durante la 12° edizione della Festa del Cinema di Roma, Cabros de mierda is the latest feature film by Chilean filmmaker Gonzalo Justiniano. we are in 1983. A young American missionary, Samuel Thompson, It is sent in the so called Third World at a Chilean family, in order to preach the word of God. The man will be hosted by the lovely Gladys, who lives with his mother, their little girl (also named Gladys)

Special # ROMAFF12 (DAYS 1&2) 26 – 27 October 2017

From close encounters with Christoph Waltz and Xavier Dolan, alla prima cinquina di filM della Selezione ufficiale viene fuori una Festa ricca e poliedrica Dopo le Preaperture con due documentari The Italian Jobs: Paramount Pictures and Italy Marco Spagnoli and MORAVIA OFF Luca Lancise and the two genre films THERAPY FOR COUPLES FOR LOVERS Alessio Maria Federici and THE GIRL IN THE FOG Donato Carrisi the Film Festival was inaugurated with a Western set in 1892 but with current issues: It is the opening film

Special # ROMAFF12 – The girl in Fog – interviews #1

The pre-opening film with Tony Servillo gives us the third edition directed by Antonio Monda. The author's comments, and the characters in the video that we offer during the press conference: https://youtu.be/0hwPy07hBII https://youtu.be/8hRj2aYu2Fw https://youtu.be/tG3zI5L0Xlw https://youtu.be/uECb0KipBlw https://youtu.be/aFodsm6QbKs https://youtu.be/zLl02e0Cnnw https://youtu.be/OsNY-PmMkKs https://youtu.be/IOawCNct0D8 https://youtu.be/DiOWqgO2qPI

Special # ROMAFF12 – The pre-opening of Carrisi between the Alps mists discover the vocation of the Rome Film Festival: only beautiful film!

In Italian cinemas from 26 October, The girl fog is the first work of the writer Donato Carrisi, It is drawn from romanzovdel director. A small village in the Dolomites. A few nights before Christmas. A teenage girl disappeared into thin air. It will not be easy to find out who is behind this mysterious disappearance. It will not be easy for even the renowned agent Vogel, usually using unconventional means in order to carry out the investigation and not disdaining even the aid of the press. Particularly adequate to tell the story staged is the location, here treated to

#ROMAFF12 (DAY – 3) The party arrives at the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic

The Film Festival in Rome to the Twins in the room Medicinema. Per pazienti e familiari si proiettano “Terapia di coppia” e “Mazinger Z Infinity” Per la prima volta la rassegna cinematografica della Capitale approda al Policlinico con due film del programma ufficiale proiettati il 31 October and 3 November for the adult and pediatric patients. The hospital opens more and more to the territory. The Medicinema movie theater at the University Hospital A. Gemelli apre per la prima volta le porte alla Festa del Cinema di Roma con due film del programma ufficiale

UGLY&BAD: here is the result of when you want to do at all costs directors!

Cosimo Gomez tries to do the Director and sends the fray a cast exception! In Italian cinemas from 19 October, Brutti and bad is the first feature film as a director Cosimo Gomez, presented in the Horizons section at the 74th Venice Film Festival in Venice. An unusual band of criminals - headed by a paraplegic said the Duck and formed by the wife of him, a pretty girl with no arms dictates the Ballerina, by a toxic said Shit and by a dwarf rapper said Pleats - scored a robbery at a bank

Special # ROMAFF12 (DAY – 6)

from 22 al 25 Preaperture October, the Film Festival: in anteprima quattro film italiani Dopo il successo di pubblico registrato nella scorsa edizione, from 22 al 25 ottobre tornano le Preaperture della Festa del Cinema che quest’anno ospiteranno quattro attesi film italiani in anteprima. Il primo appuntamento è fissato per domenica 22 October, at 18 at the House of Cinema, con Moravia Off di Luca Lancise. Il documentario utilizza la poetica del grande scrittore italiano, uno dei più importanti dello scorso secolo, per generare racconti in giro per

Shown from 12 ottobre NICO 1988 doc all-female winner in Venice

Uno sguardo inedito della cantante dei Velvet Underground nonchè musa di Andy Warhol di nome Christa Nella rilettura di questo biopic tutto al femminile la leggendaria cantante dei Velvet Underground si rivela con la sua voce inconfondibile grazie all’intensa interpretazione della fantastica attrice cantante e cantautrice olandese Trine Dyrholm già vista alla Berlinale interpretare la protagonista di La Comune per la quale ha vinto l’Orso d’Argento Ma è la regista Susanna Nicchiarelli che conferisce il tocco finale ad una vita spesa dalla protagonista per la musica, but also the tragedy of the loss
