special #MEDFILMFESTIVAL 2017 – EXTRA #2

Sunday was a very busy day with Focus on Cinema Tunisian who mostarto us through a disrupted family tensions in the country nearest to the Meditteranean European bank with TUNIS BY NIGHT, followed by a film on Algeria presented at the 70th Cannes Film Festival UNTIL THE BIRDS RETURN, also a portrait of the country delmagrebino with its various sfaccettaure. We offer interviews with the director and producer respectively. Good vision.   https://youtu.be/mexP9DuUA-Y https://youtu.be/ziK7ls-WwKc https://youtu.be/FcykeZhEb1w https://youtu.be/40xIpmJTZfY https://youtu.be/SDvUdU7NlnA https://youtu.be/QfwlIu8Crwo

The big Sick di Michael Showalter, a pleasant comedy

In Italian cinemas from 16 November, The big Sick is the last feature film directed by Michael Showalter. The film tells the true story of the comic Kumail Nanjiani (who, Moreover, in the role of himself) and his wife Emily V. Gordon, who met during a show about him and, with the passage of time, They would have had to deal with the diversity of their cultures of origin, as well as with the singular of her illness, which, But, It allowed Kumail to figure out what his true feelings

special #MEDFILMFESTIVAL 2017 – EXTRA #1

It 'started yesterday with a powerful film from Tunisia Beauty And The Beasts of Kaouther Ben Hania the 23rd edition of the oldest of the Capital Festival, to guide the tireless Ginella Vocca. The opening night was special for the presence of Senator Emma Bonino which went Career Award. In a sold out hall was a continuous appaluso to interrupt the words of the Bonino. The program has almost 100 films is summarized in ineterventi in Printing Conference Silvia Costa, Casadei and Giulio


La XXIIIma edizione incentrata su “Il Mediterraneo nello sguardo delle Donne” Torna il MedFilm Festival, the first and most important event in Italy dedicated to the Mediterranean film. The festival, directed by Ginella Vocca, It will be held from 10 al 18 November at the Savoy Cinema and MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome. "There's a" humanistic corridor "across the Mediterranean from 23 years: is the MedFilm Festival, offering films, documentaries, debates, exhibitions and culture of the countries of the Mediterranean Sea. From the Iberian peninsula to the Balkans, from Arab countries to Italy, the MedFilm is a cultural corridor

Malarazza, The title introduces you to the topic. The dilemma is to cinema or on television?

In Italian cinemas from 9 November, Malarazza is the second feature by the young director Giovanni Virgilio. It is in effect a universal story, that there is here presented: The story of the young Rosaria, mother of a fourteen year old boy, which, after being forced to marry because she was pregnant, It is constantly abused by her husband Tommasino Malarazza, a local boss almost fell into disrepair asking his wife even the few in the laundry earned money. It will not be easy for the woman to make the decision to leave home with her

Special # ROMAFF12 – Cabros fucking, not to forget (Review of Amber Fur)

Chile 2017. Samuel is in front of the Museum of Memory of Santiago de Chile is there to meet a girl, Gladys (Nathalia Aragonese) "You're just like your mother" are the only words he says, before they eyes of blacks Nathalia come back to Aragonese 1983 to interpret his mother's, your name is Gladys, but everyone calls "the French" lives in a slum in Santiago de Chile during the years of dictatorship Pinochete, with his mother, the small Gladys and the same common area with nearby older

Special # ROMAFF12 – BNL Audience Award 2017

Borg McEnroe di Janus Metz Pedersen vince il “Premio del Pubblico BNL” Borg McEnroe di Janus Metz Pedersen si è aggiudicato il “Premio del Pubblico BNL” alla dodicesima edizione della Festa del Cinema di Roma. And 'the record with flashbacks of the most exciting challenge of winning the Wimbledon Cup held in 1980. On the one hand the icy and composed Bjorn Borg, the other, the irascible and Blood John McEnroe. The first eager to confirm the undisputed king of tennis, the second determined to unseat. Unveiling their lives on and off the field, Borg

Special # ROMAFF12 (DAYS 9&10) 4 e 5 November

Saturday 4 in November David Lynch meets the public and receives by Paolo Sorrentino Career Award, mentre con The Place di Paolo Genovese si chiude la dodicesima edizione della Festa A quarant’anni dall’uscita del suo primo lungometraggio, Eraserhead, the Film Festival 2017 celebrates the genius David Lynch assigning the Career Award: tomorrow at 17.30 at the Sala Sinopoli, the American film-maker, who redefined contemporary cinema with his dreamlike and visionary style, You will receive the award delivered by Paolo Sorrentino. Lynch will meet the public the occasion

Special # ROMAFF12 – Bobby Dylan and his conversion in doc Jennifer Lebeau

Premiered at the 12th edition of the Rome Film Festival, Trouble No More is the latest work of the producer and the US documentary filmmaker Jennifer Lebeau, focused on the period when the singer-songwriter Bob Dylan decided to convert to Christianity. The work is structured Lebeau, indeed, in a very simple way: a series of films directly from the eighties show us some of Dylan during his concerts, occurred immediately after the publication of albums like Slow Train Coming(1979) o Shot of Love (1981). Among a performance of a piece and the other, Furthermore, we see the actor Michael Shannon in the role of a

Special # TIFF30th - Nobody is a prophet in his: Crater won the Special Jury Prize

While still being the Rome Film Festival 12th edition here we hear the news from the Far East that the only Italian film in competition at Tokyo CRATER Festival awarded the Jury Special Prize. Past muted at the Venice SIC had seemed the best of those selected for the novelty of the language used where reality merges with fiction. But also for the theme: aspirations of parents towards their children but I should find out their talents alone. Sinossi Il cratere
