The now more Buia Joe Wright along with Dunkirk by Christopher Nolan remind us what is the absolute Evil

After the last appreciated by Christopher Nolan film DUNKIRK, that with a symphony of images of the sky from the earth and the sea he tells the places where they consumed the French army and defeated the English at the beginning of World War II, hits screens on the flip side of those terrifying days. If in Dunkirk is all the tragedy of every soldier cannon fodder and redemption of so many civilians with their punts reached the bloodstained beach to lay rescued what remained of the army English and French, in time

Continues the "popular festival" THE DOCUMENTARY OF THE MONTH dedicated to the best documentary production Italian and international

Here comes in the room the second film of THE MONTH OF THE DOCUMENTARY "HIDDEN PAGES" Sabrina Varani (Italy, 2017, 67'), presented out of competition at the Turin Film Festival 2017 The Preview of the Film House on ROMA 22 Jan. hours 20,30 con la presenza dell'autrice e della protagonista e sarà in seguito proiettato a MILANO – BOLOGNA – FIRENZE – NAPOLI – PALERMO – NUORO Con Pagine Nascoste proseguono le proiezioni della Quinta edizione del Il Mese del Documentario. The film, which premiered on the occasion of the week of Remembrance, brings us a

Two great actors for a large highly anticipated film by a great director: THE POST

In Italian cinemas from February 1, The Post is the latest film directed by famous Steven Spielberg. we are in 1971. The Washington Post is a local newspaper and to his guide's Katherine Graham, happened to the husband who committed suicide, mentre Ben Bradlee, instead, He is the severe Director. When they surface, through unofficial sources, important government secrets about the Vietnam War, the two will have to decide whether or not to publish all the papers, putting himself against the institutions and the risk of losing the job, but while safeguarding

From Cannes a little light and playful film: All men of Victoria

In Italian cinemas from 25 January, All men of Victoria is the latest feature film by French director Justine Triet, presented as the opening film of the Critics' Week at the Cannes Film Festival 2016. Victoria, brilliant lawyer and divorced mother of two girls, every day he is trying to divide between home and work with poor results. His problems seem to increase when they will have to defend in court his friend, accused of assaulting girlfriend. Luckily, He will come to his aid young practitioner Sam, which it will become for her a sort of guardian angel. We are

The strength of women: the Laura Aprati documentary Marco Bova comparing generations, ethnicity, social conditions begins his tour

The 16 January the first symbolic step at the Foreign Press Center in Rome (Via Humility 83 / c, ore 11.00, free admission): to moderate the journalist Luisa Betti Dakla, among the guests called to intervene, besides Aprati and Bova, Valeria Fedeli Minister of Education, Rima Karaki Lebanese journalist among the voices of the documentary, Paolo Butturini, FNSI secretary, Paul Borrometi, President Articolo21, and Gianfranco Cattai President of Focsiv. The tour will pass through Italy and find its climax with the Perugia Journalism Festival in mid-April. "With Focsiv, supporting us - explains Laura Aprati -, we decided to take the opportunity of

THE CONTINENT HUMAN explored by the V edition of the Month of the Documentary

This year, the Month of the Documentary, now in its fifth edition, affronta l'esplorazione dell'animo umano e raggiunge anche il sud con proiezioni a Palermo e Nuoro il Mese del Documentario è una delle manifestazioni più rappresentative dedicate alla diffusione del Cinema del Reale nel nostro Paese. A "popular festival" that offers the best of Italian and international documentary production in Rome and in a territorial network involving major Italian cities from north to south of the country including Milan, Bologna, Florence, Roma, Naples, Palermo and Nuoro. The title of this new edition is

NAPLES VELATA directed by Ferzan Ozpetek the 28 December in cinemas

A thriller in Naples or Napoli? As in all the movies the key is in the incipit of vision without end of a an ancient palace of stairwell. Beyond the passionate and mysterious story of Adriana starring a sensual Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Ozpetek tells his Napoli, as well as he sees through the eye of filmmaker adopted by Italian cinema, but with an eye to its origins at the crossroads between East and West. Yes, because that Naples has its oriental charm and mystery to those who are not

LIKE A CAT IN RING ROAD directed by Riccardo Milani from 28 December in cinemas

The watchword is contamination and suburbs, but when it comes to you everything becomes more complicated. Paola and Antonio Albanian Cortellesi find themselves together again on the set with an extraordinary Sonia Bergamasco in the guise of ex-wife radical chic of it. The script has a few drawbacks, but the sociological order to show the barriers between classes deeply distant performs Riccardo Milani who heads his wife Paola in Cortellesi also screenwriter garments. The story is in some ways autobiographical, as he explained by the director, and shows us

COCO, The new animated film from Disney • Pixar directed by Lee Unkrich 28 December in cinemas.

Disney never fails to impress young viewers, but also older ones. This new Disney fairy tale takes place in Mexico and speaks to us of the roots of each of us. But it also reminds us that Halloween is the modern version, alas, faded to what for us the last century was the anniversary of the dead during which we remember our roots precisely not to forget the lessons impartitici grandparents. That is it was a big party with sacred and profane gathered to remember the souls
