I went back to Luca Minieri, a film between doc and fiction, It delves into the intricacies of the historical memory not always remembered by the collective

In Italian cinemas from February 1, I returned is the last feature film directed by Luca Minieri, that takes its cue from the German feature He is back (direct in 2015 da David Wnendt), where we saw the figure of Adolf Hitler recur, straight from the past to the present day, in a German town. we are in 2017. The young Andrea Canaletti is located in Piazza Vittorio, in Rome, in order to make a documentary on immigration. Suddenly it rains down from the sky a mysterious man, with feet tied by a rope, that so much is going to remember the Duce. E se

Call your name by Luca Guadagnino vying to #OSCAR with four nominations – review of Marina fearful

Luca Guadagnino delves into the mind of a middle class family with his style and politically correct for this like! In Italian cinemas from 25 January, Call me with your name is the last work of the Italian filmmaker, but now living abroad, Luca Guadagnino, which premiered at the 67th Berlinale and has recently received four nominations at the Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay (scritta da James Ivory). Adapted from the novel by André Aciman, the film - third installment of the trilogy of desire after I Am Love (2009) and the


The exhibition curated by SudTitles arrives in Palermo 3 and the 4 febbraio al Cinema De Seta A 50 years after the first pass by Roberto Rossellini in Tunisia for the filming of one of his last films, Acts of the Apostles, the fledgling Tunisian Film Library, organizes Italian Journey with Tunisian Cinema, five stages in five Italian cities under the banner of classic and contemporary Tunisian film. A traveling exhibition that will take place between January and February 2018, brainchild of the Tunisian director Mohammed Challouf and designed to put

ha advantages (The witness) in Amichai Greenberg – against denial

ha advantages (The witness) Amichai Greenberg Israel, Austria / 91’ presentato alla 74ma Mostra di Venezia nella Selezione Orizzonti nei cinema per la Giornata della Memoria conbatte il negazionismo Anche quest’anno nella selezione Orizzonti della Mostra di Venezia non poteva mancare un’opera che ci riporta alla Memoria della Shoa. After the thriller Remember last year, This year it proposes a choral and intimate story at the same time. Choral because he puts the viewer in front of the dilemma of what he would do if he were in the place of the protagonist of this unusual story

With Congo This is the Month of the Documentary initiates the screenings of international films

Its world premiere at the 74th Venice Film Festival in Venice arrives in Italian cinemas exclusively for The Month of Documentary Film in Competition for the Audience Award of his Fifth Edition. Production: Vision Film Co., Turbo projections in collaboration with "Parallel 41 Produzioni” “THIS IS CONGO” di Daniel McCabe (Usa, 2017, 93'Subtitled in Italian) is a documentary about one of the regions of the world in this most critical time: “Il Congo è il paese del conflitto senza fine” “Per conoscere il presente e il futuro dell'Europa, must know the

Cinema at the MAXXI VI Edition 27 January with LIGABUE

CITYFEST in collaborazione con MAXXI – MUSEO NAZIONALE DELLE ARTI DEL XXI SECOLO presenta Cinema al MAXXI Sabato 27 January, Luciano Ligabue will inaugurate the new edition of Cinema at the MAXXI and meet the public and show the unreleased backstage of his new film, Made In Italy Dal 27 January to 14 April 2018 Cinema returns to the MAXXI, the event that brings the seventh art in the context of one of the most important places dedicated to contemporary expressions. As in previous years, the initiative will be organized as part of CityFest, The cultural events program

LIGABUE and his third film: an act of love to Italy

In Italian cinemas from 25 January, Made in Italy ratifies the return of the singer Luciano Ligabue behind the camera, after several years of hiatus. Riko has been married for twenty years and worked in a sausage factory. His marriage seems to go downhill, as well as his work. Rebuilt torque serenity and suddenly finding himself unemployed, humans will struggle to find a new job. The only solution seems to be to leave Italy for good. The story here staging is the same as told by many other contemporary Italian films: the

On the Day of Memory presents CityFest In Memoriam

On the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day, Saturday 27 is Sunday 28 January, the Fondazione Cinema per Roma will organize a series of screenings to be held at the House of Memory and History (Via S. Francis de Sales 5, Roma). The program, entitled "In memoriam", It is edited by Mario Sixth and falls within CityFest, the container of cultural events of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma chaired by Piera Detassis. With "In Memoriam" we are meant to remember, through film, every victim and every injustice, all concentration camps and genocide,

Preview of # SQ18 Sicily Queer Filmfest

#SQ18 | "Beautiful sleeping", the expected Ado Arrietta film arrives in Sicily with Sicily Queer Filmfest. Projections premiere in Palermo, Catania and Messina. For the third preview towards Sicily Queer Filmfest 2018, in collaboration with the 'Institut Français Palermo and SudTitles, He arrives in Sicily thanks to the independent distribution company Zomia Cinema, the expected Ado Arrietta film "Belle dormant" an adaptation of the classic fairy tale by Perrault and the Grimm that the Spanish director tells a contemporary twist. They have interpreters Bonitzer, Mathieu Amalric e Niels Schneider, the French-Canadian actor, Dear

The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health 8th edition

expire on 12 March 2018 le iscrizioni gratuite per corti e lungometraggi sul tema della salute mentale Scadono il prossimo 12 March 2018 Registration - Free - to attend the eighth edition of The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health, event of short and feature films, to be held in Rome from 4 al 6 May 2018 at the MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts. Organized by ASL Roma 1 - Department of Mental Health and in collaboration with the ROME CAPITAL FondazioneMAXXI, "The Chink" FilmFestival mental health, come to
