SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #6 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 3) – EVA di Jacquot

France and Huppert in jeopardy in the remake of the movie of the 60's with the unforgettable Jeanne Moreau (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Presented in competition at the 68th edition of the Berlin Film Festival, Eva is the latest feature film by French director Benoit Jacquot, starring the great Isabelle Huppert and actor-revelation Gaspard Ulliel. Intriguing the opening words he sees a young Ulliel, who, forced by financial constraints to prostitution, He pays a visit to an old playwright and, following the sudden death of

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #5 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAYS 1&2)

La Kermesse Berliner opens with THE RISING SUN, It is a coincidence? (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Start most popular moviegoer marathon of the old continent with over 300 films in programming. It starts with the atypical opening night for the choice of a US director Wes Anderson animated film featuring Isle of Dogs, (SEE REVIEW) or the adventures of a Japanese boy in search of his trusty dog ​​"deported" precisely from the new order

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #4 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 1) Opening with ISLE of DOGS Wes Anderson

The opening film - and in competition for the Golden Bear - the 68th edition of the Berlin Festival, Isle of Dogs is the latest, interesting work of US filmmaker Wes Anderson, and his second animated film (from Berlin the active collaboration of Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) We propose the opening film , the emotions of Marina fearful. When he left the room tells us enthusiastically the director's predisposition to kind of animation. An elegant stop motion - mixed with images that both are remembering

With his latest ensemble film A House All Good, Gabriele Muccino returns to his love for the Made in Italy

In Italian cinemas from 14 February, At home all good is the latest work of the Italian filmmaker Gabriele Muccino. Peter and Dawn are celebrating their golden wedding and, for the occasion, They have decided to unite their large family in order to celebrate together on the island where they now live for years. A sudden storm, however, It will prevent the ferry to depart and, Consequently, the huge extended family will be forced to spend two days on the island. On this occasion, old grudges come back to the surface, born new loves, jump out important truths and, perhaps, at the end of "holiday

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #2 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY – 5)

Laura Bispuri only Italian film in competition with an all-female, but also in the Panorama section arriving from two emerging young (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Although the Berlinale numbers are impressive for the eleven-day festival with over 300 presented films, including restored, the giveaways and the focus, this year at the Berlinale in the official selection there is only the Italian filmmaker Laura Bispuri among the 19 films in Competition. At his second

Disappointing the staging of the versatile Clint Eastwood on a fact really happened: 15:17 Attack on Train

In Italian cinemas from February 8, 15:17 Attack the train is the latest work of the famous film director and actor Clint Eastwood. Based on a true story, the film tells the story of three American boys - also present here as interpreters in the role of self - who saved the lives of more than 500 people during a terrorist attack on a train to Paris took place on 21 August 2015. This highly anticipated work of Eastwood tells us, in particular, three stories of three troubled children from infancy, that, however, soon

After Chicken Run Nick Park presents its new "politically scorrect" stop motion The Primitives for children and large

In Italian cinemas from February 8, Primitive is the last work of the famous British animator Nick Park, winner in the 2001 Academy Award for Best Feature Animation for Chicken Run, where they were staged - with careful in stop motion technique and fine figures made out of clay - the universal themes of friendship and the right to individual freedom. We are in the Stone Age. Following a volcanic explosion, some primitive men began kicking a round hot stone. This gave rise to the football, afterwards

The Month of Documentary presents the latest film: NOWHERE TO HIDE di Zaradasht Ahmed

It arrives in Italian cinemas exclusively for The Month of Documentary "NOWHERE TO HIDE" to Zaradasht Ahmed (Iraq, Norway, Sweden, 2016, 78′,v.o. with subtitles in Italian) Production: Ten Thousand Images "One of the documentaries considered the most important international press in 2016", Pitch for ESoDoc within IDS Academy 2015 Best Film Award at IDFA 2016 In the Official Selection 2017 al Festival Middle East Now e al Festival Le Voci dell'Inchiesta Con “NOWHERE TO HIDE” Il Mese del Documentario presenta l’ultimo film in concorso per il Premio del Pubblico della sua

The wire hidden, last unmissable film by Paul Thomas Anderson, It puts a mortgage on OSCAR

In Italian cinemas from 22 February, The hidden wire is the latest film directed by the renowned US filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson, which he received six nominations for Academy Awards 2018: best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (Daniel Day-Lewis), Best Supporting Actress (Lesley Manville), Best Costume Design and Best Original Score. The film, set in the world of the London fashion of the fifties, Reynolds sees the character of the protagonist of the film Woodcock. Man is among the most important designers of the time and is known for his gruff and grumpy, as well as his love

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #1 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY -14)

While the Bears will invade Berlin tell the many curiosities festivaliere (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Less than two weeks into the Berlinale these curious animals by nature (bears) già si aggirano per Berlino per richiamare l'attenzione dei passanti. "È di nuovo quel periodo dell'anno in cui gli orsi sono in giro! Sui poster di quest'anno compariranno nei famosi monumenti di Berlino per farci venire voglia di fantastici giorni di festival ", commenta il direttore del
