5° Florence FilmCorti Festival continues Friday 23 February at 17.00 presets

We receive and gladly publish: New appointment with the presets of the 5th Florence FilmCorti Festival for Friday 23 February to ZAP (Aromatic Protected Zone) in vicolo S. Maria Maggiore, 1. In the meeting room of the second floor will alternate, starting at 17.00 films submitted to the festival come from various countries and localities, from Germany to Switzerland, from Poland to Estonia, from China to Taiwan, from Canada to Ireland and England. Italian films are four: Stella 1 Gaia Bonsignore and Roberto D'Ippolito, story of an astronaut who needs help

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #15 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 8) - Yardieè in Idris Elba

A taste of first work from the selection PANORAMA (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the 68th Berlinale, within the Panorama section, Yardieè the debut British actor Idris Elba, based on the novel by Victor Headley. We in Jamaica, in 1973. The young D is a cheerful and lively child, innamorato di Yvonne e affezionatissimo a suo fratello maggiore Jerry, who considers his leadership. One day, But, following a shootout between rival gangs, Jerry is killed. Ten years later,

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #14 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 7) - Unsane S. Soderbergh

Soderbergh successfully tested a new cinematic language (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Presented out of competition at the 68th edition of the Berlin Festival, Unsane the latest work by US filmmaker Steven Soderbergh, who, taking a cue from discussissimo case Weinstein, It staged a strong criticism of the American system. Sawyer Valentini is a young woman with bright career prospects and intense social life. His past, however, it was not always easy, In fact the girl was stalkerata for two

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #13 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAYS 5&6)

At the halfway Norway excels and Lav Diaz moves (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Earlier this week the Berlinale returns to its political character in Competition, leaving behind some venial sins of the weekend. We speak of two powerful and moving film. Il primo Utøya 22. July (The - July 22) Norway Erik Poppe (REVIEW) with a minimalist style in which the sound predominates over the rest it shows us the state of mind that terrorism creates

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #12 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 5) – Season of the Devil Lav Diaz

The Black and White of Filipino Lav Diaz (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Presented in competition at the 68th edition of the Berlin Festival, Season of the Devil is the last work of the Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz, who, just two years after his triondo in Venice The whoman who left, He attempted the musical road. Faithful, on many points of view, to its original poetry, even with this work Diaz tells a piece of Philippine history, putting in

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #11 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 5) – Utoya 22. July di Erik Poppe

Norway excels with a powerful film on terrorism (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Presented in competition at the 68th Berlinale, Utoya 22. Juli is the latest feature film by Norwegian filmmaker Erik Poppe, inspired by the attacks - by young Norwegian extremists - took place on 22 July 2011 e, especially the shooting on the island of Utoya, where many children were attending a campus organized by the Labor Party and following which died well 69 people. Characters

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE # 10- 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAYS 3&4)

Over the weekend Laura Bispuri well received in the hall is crushed by Russian and German giants (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) We know that the weekend in surprises Festival but also disappointments. And the Berlinale is not exempt from the phenomenon. While we enjoyed excellent works in competition as Dovlatov Alexey German Jr. (REVIEW) that moves the viewer the feeling of helplessness of the cultural avant-garde Russian at the time of

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #9 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 3) – Inland Sea, Kazuhiro Soda

A Forum a touching documentary about the reality of the Japanese fishing villages (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the 68th edition of the Berlin Festival, within the Forum section, Inland Sea is the last, moving documentary - which tells of Ushimado, a small fishing village set to remain the desert - the Japanese director Kazuhiro Soda. An elderly man, with his face full of wrinkles, salt on his fishing boat and heads, as routine for many years

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #8 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 3) – TRANSIT di Christian Petzold

Christian Petzold struck that the Berlinale audience in the current and intense story of empathy for refugees of all times and places (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Presented in competition at the 68th edition of the Berlin Festival, Transit is the latest feature film by German director Christian Petzold. The story here staging is a story from the universal breath, set in France, to be exact - during the German occupation - but with location and contemporary costumes. The timeless story of a man, Georg,

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #7 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAY 3) – DOVLATOV di Alexej German Jr.

The Russian giant Alexei German Jr. with Dovlatov lays bare the atrocities of socialism in Soviet times (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Presented in competition at the 68th Berlinale, Dovlatov is the latest film by Russian director Alexei German Jr. A work felt, complex, profoundly painful realized by this German, which - set in November 1971 - he tells us one week of the life of the young Soviet writer Sergei Dovlatov, who, working mainly as a journalist,
