Comes the 11th edition IRISH FILM FESTIVAL, the festival entirely dedicated to the Irish film 21 al 25 March 2018, as usual at the Casa del Cinema in Rome. "While the Irish film continues to grow and surprise, our festival welcomes an increasing number of films and filmmakers who come also from Northern Ireland. The rest, IRISH FILM FESTIVAL has always looked to Ireland as an island artistically united, we were an 'All Ireland' event since its first edition ", says the artistic director Susanna Pellis. IRISH FILM FESTIVAL dedicated, as always, large

Film Critics from SNCCI: "VILLAGES FACES" di Varda e JR

The film "VISAGES VILLAGES" by Agnès Varda and JR distributed by Cineteca di Bologna has been designated Film Critics by the National Syndicate of Italian Film Critics - SNCCI with the following Motivation: A director 89 years and a photographer 34 they prove that art reaches where politics no longer knows where to go, through a France "Invisible" looking faces, stories, landscapes that give a new shape and awareness, combining art and photography, testimony and autobiography. A great documentary that not only illuminates but modifies his

Cinema at the MAXXI, the winners of the Extra Doc Festival

My name is Thomas Amedeo Fago takes the prize Extra Doc CityFest the best new documentary, a diorama of Demetrius Giacomelli the Extra prize for Best Documentary Italian. It took place from 20 January to 14 April 2018 The sixth edition of Cinema at the MAXXI, event that brings the seventh art in one of the most important places dedicated to contemporary expressions within CityFest, The program of cultural events of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma. Chaired by Piera Detassis, and it is produced by MAXXI - National Museum of the Arts

Directly from the Turin Film Festival with a gem Oscar nominee Willem Dafoe

In Italian cinemas from 22 March, A dream called Florida is the latest film by independent filmmaker Sean Baker, which premiered at the Turin Film Festival 2017 and he has seen the candidacy of Willem Dafoe for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Moonie, Scotty and Jancey are three children six years living in Florida, at the gates of Disneyland, but in a completely peripheral and abandoned area, together with their respective mothers. For them, life is not easy, but yet, with their children's eyes, able to see the beauty in everything, passing

OMG! Giorgio Di Amato is a film that conquers even the least believers beginning with the Director.

In the room 26 March. It is no coincidence that during the Holy Week! It 'an original story updated with Pasolini implications. Although the director's intentions were to show and experience the syncretism (as he explained in a press conference) between faith and the practice of every day, the end result is an act of deep faith if you think for example to the final scene of the Resurrection. But here by the author himself some notes summarizing his work than to tell the truth is independent conquered with

Film Critics from SNCCI:“EX-LIBRIS – THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY” di Frederick Wiseman

EX-LIBRIS – THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY” di Frederick Wiseman distribuito da I Wonder Pictures Distribuzione, Film Critics has been designated by the National Syndicate of Italian Film Critics SNCCI. Grounds: "Frederick Wiseman continues its decade-sounder of the US system, with all its ramifications and its short circuits. Here the New York City Library is being put under the magnifying glass: The cinema-world Wiseman thus becomes reflection on the concepts of knowledge and knowledge, applying to a documentary approach deliberately polyphony of words, looks, sharing spaces and times.

SPECIALE 68ma #BERLINALE #TALENTS #1 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018 – Lav Diaz

#TALENTS @Berlinale#68 : Lav Diaz in Songs from the Past: Films Travel in Time (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - The photos and videos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) In the daily reports we reported how interesting they are the TALENTS TALKS in which have come and gone, besides the Chairman of the international jury Tom Tykwer on the theme of this year's Berlinale Talents: Secrets moderated by veteran Peter Cowie, even directors like Gus Van Sant who dealt with the theme A Place Like Home: The Cinema of Gus

It closes The Month of Documentary V ^ Edition with the Winner

over 2300 People for the 5th edition of The Documentary of the Month 28 projections, 7 city, 4 films in competition, 2 masterclass Il Premio del Pubblico va a “THIS IS CONGO” di Daniel McCabe Il film sarà proiettato Venerdì 2 March at 20.00 during the awards ceremony at the Casa del Cinema (Largo Marcello Mastroianni, 1 - Roma) Followed by a toast offered by Casale del Giglio and "VolunteersParty" at The Sanctuary Eco Retreat (via the Baths of Trajan fourth - Free admission) TRAILER DEL FILM VINCITORE This is Congo (Usa, 2017, 93’)

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #18 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018

History of Kermesse Berliner opened with RISING SUN and won by 'outsiders Adina Pintilie with Touch Me Not with the leitmotiv The FEAR (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) The most popular moviegoer marathon of the old continent with over 300 in programming films began with an atypical opening night for the choice of a US director Wes Anderson animated film featuring Isle of Dogs. These are the adventures of a Japanese boy in search of

SPECIAL 68th #BERLINALE #16 – 15/25 FEBRUARY 2018: (DAYS 7&8)

At Gröning final stages and Adina Pintilie with disturbing languages ​​confirm the theme @Berlinale: the Fear (Luigi Noera from Berlin in collaboration with Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Many were the expectations for the German film by Robert heißt Gröning Mein Bruder und ist ein Idiot and the other German production of Adina Pintilie Touch Me Not, much is that someone has dared "in the dark" a serious claim on the 68th Berlinale Bears. Gröning presents in an intimate story a universal feeling like
