#ARF by Simona Cornacchia and Anna Russo

Every war brings with it a tragic number of innocent victims and above all many, troppi bambini Sinossi: #ARF is a child, but he can't speak, barks. But he has an excellent nose and an adorable character. Born in a country at war, he was saved by Bianca, a dog who raised him in the pack of strays that lives on a hill on the edge of the city. But the war also reaches that magical place, the pack is dispersed in a roundup and Arf taken to a prison camp along with others

#The Piper di Erlingur Thoroddsen

Il regista islandese Erlingur Thoroddsen si ispira al racconto del Pifferaio di Hamelin nel suo nuovo horror #The Piper che stordisce senza stregare La giovane flautista Melanie (Charlotte Hope; interpreter Myranda is Il the throne of the spade) she is a single mother of a little girl who was born deaf, Zoe (Aoibhe O'Flanagan). Zoe can hear thanks to a hearing device that is, But, often defective. Mom teaches daughter how to listen to vibrations, without the need for any device; he passes his index finger around the rim of a glass and Zoe responds. When Melanie decides to exhume a

#AnicaAcademy Talks – Profile and role of the Intimacy Coordinator

Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo #AnicaAcademy ETS, born with the primary objective of creating ideas, manage and organize training courses, basic and highly specialized, in the cinema and audiovisual professions, created the first Intimacy Coordinator course in Italy thanks to Safe Set, to Sky Italia through the contribution of Sky Studios and Netflix as promoter of the initiative and organized the meeting: “INTIMACY COORDINATOR IN ACTION - Profile and role of the IC”. President Francesco Rutelli participated for Anica Academy ETS, the General Secretary Francesca Medolago Albani and Sergio del Prete, Director

#Ilpuntodirugiarda by Marco Risi

“The Dew Point” is an invitation to remember your “old ones” before it is too late and spend time with them , because despite everything they are and will always be people ready to listen to us with affection. #Ilpuntodirugiarda is a film directed by Marco Risi, film script : Riccardo Torrebruna, Francesco Frangipane, Marco Risi, with : Massimo De Francovich, Eros Pagni, Luigi Diberti, Alessandro Fella, Roberto Gudese, Lucia Rossi, Gloria Coco, Marcello Arnone, Erika Blanc, Elena Cotta. Synopsis: The Dew Point, film directed by Marco Risi, tells the story of Carlo(Alessandro

#WonderWhiteBird on Marc Foster

“Wonder, Uccello Bianco” spin-off e sequel del film “ Wonder” “Wonder, Uccello Bianco” or #WonderWhiteBird is a film by 2023 directed by Marc Foster, screenplay by Mark Bombback, based on the graphic novel of the same name R. J. Palacio , with : Bryce Gheisar, Helen Mirren, Gillian Anderson, Jacob Tremblay, Orlando Schwerdt, Ariella Glaser, Olivia Ross, John Bubniak, Stuart McQuarrie, Nadine Leon Gobet, Philip Lenkowsky, Jim High, Jem Matthews, Isaiah Golan, Yelisey Kazakevich, Jordan Cramond. Synopsis: After the events of Wonder, the bully Julian has been expelled from school and is trying to fit in at the new institute.

Who kidnapped #JerryCalà written and directed by Jerry Calà

“Who kidnapped Jerry Calà ?” is an overall enjoyable vision , ironic and quotative for those who are nostalgic for the cinema of the years 80 e 90. "Who Kidnapped Jerry Calà” is a film directed by Jerry Calà, screenplay by Jerry Calà and Edoardo Bechis, with : Sergio Assisi, Antonio Fiorillo,Barbara Foria, Francesca Tizzano,Shi Yang Shi,Pasquale Palma, con la partecipazione di Gianfranco Gallo Con la straordinaria partecipazione di : Massimo Boldi and with the friendly participation of Johnny Calà, Umberto Smalia, Maurizio Casagrande and Mara Venier. Synopsis: An unlikely gang of new criminals decides to kidnap Jerry

#MUSA Award 2023 of Film Criticism

The #MUSA Award 2023 of Film Critics awarded to Santi Pulvirenti and Calibro 35 per le colonne sonore di L’ultima notte di Amore e Blanca Santi Pulvirenti e i Calibro 35 they won the #MUSA Film Critics Award 2023 for the best original music respectively for the film L'ultima notte di Amore and the TV series Blanca. Two soundtracks that best represent the artistic value of the Italian composition scene through the perfect combination, aesthetic and narrative, of music and images. Directed and created by Marco Testoni (Soundtrack City) e

#CHRISTMAS: A star is born of an unexpected announcement - God is coming, God is here among us!

Dear Readers, dalla redazione di Raccontar di Cinema un Augurio di un Santo #Natale in Famiglia Come ogni anno il nostro motto rimane E’ Nata Una Stella a cui abbiamo aggiunto quanto Papa Francesco quest’anno ha suggerito facendo gli auguri alla Curia Romana: “The Mystery of Christmas reawakens our hearts to the wonder – key word – of an unexpected announcement: dio comes, Dio è qui in mezzo a noi e la Sua luce ha squarciato per sempre le tenebre del mondo.” Il Papa ha poi sottolineato che tre soni i verbi

Christmas concerts with #Let'sSingChristmas

The Teatro Massimo in Palermo, l’Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana e il Teatro Massimo Bellini di Catania celebrano insieme il Natale con #Let’sSingChristmas L’iniziativa della Regione Siciliana, Department of Tourism, opens the doors to three of the main musical institutions on the island which for the first time are networking and offering a series of free entry concerts scheduled in Palermo and Catania from 26 al 31 December. Concerts designed to involve and host a large audience of music lovers, young people and families, but also tourists, which they will have the opportunity to admire

#Santocielo by Francesco Amato with Ficarra&Picone

Where man cannot reach, una sincera e sentita preghiera può arrivare fino all’orecchio di Dio #Santocielo è un film del 2023 directed by Francesco Amato , screenplay by : Salvatore Ficarra, Valentino Picone, Francesco Amato, David Lantieri, Fabrizio Testini, with : Giovanni, Salvatore Ficarra, Valentino Picone, Barbara Ronchi, Maria Chiara Giannetta. Synopsis: Aristide (Picone) he is an angel assigned to the prayer sorting office who dreams of a transfer to the choir of the Almighty(Giovanni). During an assembly of the cherubic assembly they vote whether to eliminate humanity with a definitive universal flood to punish it for its wickedness, or send to earth
