Africa Rome Film Fest IV edition

from 18 al 22 July 2018 returns to Rome the fourth edition of "RomAfrica Film Fest", film festival of African film that tells Africa beyond clichés, showing the public the variety and vibrant culture that this fascinating continent has to offer. For this edition, the RomAfrica Film Fest will be dedicated to energy. Double is the interpretation of energy that is faced during the festival because it is double its declination for the future of the continent: Energy intended as tangible and energy understood as intangible asset,


It was held in Montone (Perugia) from 4 July 8 2018 the twenty-second edition of Umbria Film Festival, organized by the Umbria Film Festival, directed by Chiara Montagnini and under the artistic direction of Vanessa Strizzi, the organizational direction of Marisa Berne, the honorary presidency of Terry Gilliam and the contribution of the LAG Alta Umbria. The village of Montone was the focus of the projections that have animated Piazza Fortebraccio: from preview screenings of feature films, to children's short films and those made by Umbrian videomaker, for the section of the competition Umbriametraggi, the round table on migrant. Among the guests of the festival, American director Terry

64But edition TAORMINA FILMFEST 14 / 20 July 2018

If you have dal 14 al 20 July 2018 The sixty-fourth edition of the Taormina Film Fest, this year under the artistic direction of Silvia Bizio and Gianvito Casadonte, produced and arranged by Videobank. In organizer Lino Chiechio intentions, "It will be a festival aimed at young people, but especially closer to the town of Taormina, with the intention of making this historic festival a popular event and closer to the citizens and tourists, with greater involvement of associations and local business. An event that will bring the star guests in the middle of the city, to meet the public directly, following

Italy competing in the official selection of the LUX Prize 2018

More than fifty films considered to compose the official selection of the LUX Prize 2018. Selected titles face numerous issues, immigration populism and nationalism, from war to memory and to justice, from gender issues to the religious ones. These works reflect perfectly the challenges, changes and fears of our societies. The official selection was announced at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival by Evelyne Gebhardt, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Helga Trüpel, Vice-President of the Culture and Education Commission, Martina Dlabajová, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Budgetary Control, Michaela Sojdrova's Bogdan Wenta, membership

X edition SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival

In San Vito Lo Capo (Tp) dall’8 luglio la decima edizione del SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival PALERMO. Defending the environment can. And the story can be a weapon. It preceded by two days of previews (8 and 9 July) then from 10 al 15 July in San Vito Lo Capo (TP) unrolling the SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival, International documentary festival, short films and animated films, which for ten editions it includes works inspired by the themes of environmental protection, sustainable development, Women and human rights. With a main theme that will run throughout the

The 70mi TAPES Taormina, 30 June - Dogman Matteo Garrone wins eight awards

A Dogman Matteo Garrone went eight awards as well as 'Best Picture', Also honored for directing, production (the same Garrone Paolo Del Brocco for Rai Cinema), scenography, sound, the assembling (ex aequo with Call me with your name Luca Guadagnino) and also for the casting director and, mostly, for the two leading actors: Marcello source, Cannes winner a few weeks ago, and Edward Fish. An absolute triumph of an issue - as always with the support of Mibact - Dg Cinema, main sponsor BNL Group BNP Paribas - which saw

22But edition UMBRIA FILM FESTIVAL – Montone (Perugia) from 4 July 8 2018

If you have to Montone (Perugia) from 4 July 8 2018 the twenty-second edition of Umbria Film Festival, organized by the Umbria Film Festival, directed by Chiara Montagnini and under the artistic direction of Vanessa Strizzi, the organizational direction of Marisa Berne, the honorary presidency of Terry Gilliam and the contribution of the LAG Alta Umbria. The village of Montone will be the focus of the screenings that will animate Piazza Fortebraccio: by expectations preview screenings of feature films, to children's short films and those made by Umbrian videomaker, for the section of Umbriametraggi competition and the round table on migrants. Among the guests expected in Montone, director

With War of the Pig, David Maria Putorti gives us the irreducible conflict between generations with the courage to rookie

In Italian cinemas from 28 June, The War of the Pig is the first feature film by David Maria Putortì, based on the novel Diario de la Guerra del Cerdo Adolfo Bioy Casares. Isidoro has officially entered the third age. She works and lives with his son, who is a lawyer and continues to treat him badly. Every day is used to meet with his friends to play cards. The days seem to flow quiet until, via an online channel, We will begin to throw against the elderly, increasingly seen as a


In a film event the symphony concert of the world premiere of “Equilibrium”, l’ultima opera del Maestro Allevi Dal 18 al 20 June more than 150 sale cinematografiche in tutta Italia Sulla scia di uno dei filoni cinematografici più rappresentativi degli ultimi anni, from 18 al 20 “Equilibrium – The Film Concert” will be at the cinema in June, l’emozionante film evento che racconta, through music, pensieri e riflessioni filosofiche dell’artista Giovanni Allevi, la nascita dell'ultima opera sinfonica di uno dei compositori italiani contemporanei più amati nel mondo. Opera prima del regista Fabrizio Cavada, the film will be from 18 June more than

Karawan - The Feast of Cinema Itinerant seventh edition

Back in Rome, from 20 al 24 June 2018, Karawan, the open air traveling cinema festival, now in its seventh edition, He brings to the big screen in the courtyards of Torpignattara and Pigneto neighborhoods, proposing unconventional visions to deal with the issues of coexistence and encounter between cultures in tone undramatic. Projections of feature films, including two premieres, workshops, meetings, a photographic exhibition, reading in poesia, a tour through the neighborhood, music and each evening from 20.00 it Karawan Bistro, aperitivo and DJ sets, in one of the most multi-ethnic areas of Capital, for the second consecutive year
