SPECIAL 69ma #BERLINALE #3 – 7/17 FEBRUARY 2019: (DAY 1)

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Una favola mancata in Concorso ed un noir incompleto a Panorama inaugurano l’ultima edizione a guida Dieter Kosslick Dopo il Red carpet affollatissimo per l’attesa della Presidente della Giuria Internazionale Giuliette Binoche, an excited like never Artistic Director Dieter Kosslick has unveiled its latest edition with the inaugural film The Kindness of Strangers Danish director Lone Scherfig. For us followed the screening tireless Marina fearful that describes the film: The

SPECIAL 69ma #BERLINALE #2 – 7/17 FEBRUARY 2019: (DAY -3)

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Uno sguardo alle sezioni collaterali dove si nascondono i più bei film e uno sguardo alla pattuglia italiana Panorama 40: una riflessione sullo spirito del programma Il 2019 segna la 40a edizione della sezione Panorama della Berlinale. Sin dalla sua prima edizione nel 1980 la sezione ha presentato film destinati a ispirare e provocare e a sfidare le abitudini di visione e pensiero del pubblico. La selezione dei film è allo stesso tempo

SPECIAL 69ma #BERLINALE #1 – 7/17 FEBRUARY 2019: (DAY -7)

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) In a week it will open the last edition directed by Dieter Kosslick in a general climate of doubt for the films in competition. Già sappiamo che Kindness of Strangers di Lone Scherfig aprirà la 69ma Berlinale Il 69 ° Berlin International Film Festival will open on 7 February 2019 with the world premiere of the new film by Lone Scherfig, The Kindness of Strangers. Denmark-Canada co-production in English with Sweden, Francia e Germania è stata

Starts Saturday 26 January, the sixth edition of Cinema at the MAXXI with EXTRA DOC

The exhibition will run until 14 in April as part of CityFest, The program of cultural events of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma led by Laura Delli Colli, General Director Francesca Via, produced by MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts, chaired by Giovanna Melandri, and Alice in direct city Fabia Bettini and Gianluca Giannelli. The program of the sixth edition is curated by Mario Sesti. Cinema at the MAXXI has consolidated over the years as one of the most important and anticipated events of the cultural landscape of the Capital, registering

At Cinema De Seta return to previews at the ninth edition of Sicily Queer filmfest

Thursday 24 January 2019, Cinema De Seta previews are back to the ninth edition of Sicily Queer filmfest, to be held in Palermo from 30 May to 5 June 2019. Scheduled, starting from 20.30, a double projection, Two films ever presented in Palermo area: The Miseducation of Cameron Post, film revelation last year, second feature film director Desiree Akhavan, winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the last Sundance Film Festival on the controversial relationship between homosexuality, religion and reparative therapy; and the first presentation of the new town of Joseph Carleo film, Talk to you, shot in the Ballarò quarter

“Who lives lies” Roberto Alajmo, from 18 al 27 January to Palermo Teatro Biondo

"Who lives lies" Roberto Alajmo directed by Armando Pugliese, David Coco, Roberto Nobile, Roberta Caronia, Stefania Blandeburgo, Claudio Zappalà Un fortuito incidente automobilistico, an accident in which a young woman is killed because of distracted driving of a twenty year. It's nobody's fault, if applicable, but the woman's husband did not make a reason: He does not know whether to forgive or avenge, as the many voices of the working class neighborhood where he lives suggest the. On the other side, the boy's father not

SUSPIRIA Luca Guadagnino inaugurates the film season 2019

Tanta attesa per il film presentato all’ultima Mostra di Venezia che esce nelle sale il primo dell’anno L’accoglienza riservata alla Mostra di Venezia all’ultima prova d’autore di Luca Guadagnino ha lasciato poco spazio da parte dei molti cinefili abituati a fare confronti, most of the time just tender with authors who want to grapple with a subject already experienced by others. If then the subject "borrowed" was a standard-bearer of the horror icon Dario Argento, the Guadagnino film is undoubtedly a bold test. And 'no doubt that each author

PRESS RELEASE SNCCI on the closure of the home L”Aquila of the Experimental Center of Cinematography

With regret and for the sake of information we publish PRESS of the National Union of Italian Film Critics who intervenes on the closure of the office of L'Aquila CSC - Experimental Cinematography Center. A country that does not invest on training erase your own future. The SNCCI considers very serious damage closing the headquarters of L'Aquila of the Experimental Center of Cinematography (CSC), a school of excellence, one in a kind, dedicated to audiovisual report. In recent years the school has graduated dozens of boys, che non hanno avuto difficoltà ad intraprendere una carriera professionale, because of the

22 of the third millennium film fest: The days of the uprising. War, revolution and redemption – Roma, 11/15 – December

Tuesday 11 December at the Trevi Cinema Zan Shinya Tsukamoto has officially opened the XXII edition of the Festival, Lysis while Rick Ostermann was the first film in competition. Tra gli eventi speciali La cotta di Ermanno Olmi e in Filmoteca Vaticana Il fattore umano di Giacomo Gatti Zan di Shinya Tsukamoto è il film che ha inaugurato la XXII edizione del Tertio Millennio Film Fest (11-15 December), the interreligious dialogue festival organized by Fondazione Ente dello Entertainment and sponsored by the Department for Communications of the Holy See,
